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时间:2015-04-06 22:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:12.32]让一下 Excuse me. [01:13.92]维奥拉!嘿,嘿,嘿 Viola! Hey, hey, hey. [01:16.80]你去哪儿了? 我不停打电话给你 Where you been? Ive been calling and calling. [01:19.68]我很想你。我们得谈谈 I miss y
  •   [01:12.32]让一下 Excuse me.
      [01:13.92]维奥拉!嘿,嘿,嘿 Viola! Hey, hey, hey.
      [01:16.80]你去哪儿了? 我不停打电话给你 Where you been? I’ve been calling and calling.
      [01:19.68]我很想你。我们得谈谈 I miss you. We need to talk.
      [01:19.96]谈过了,贾斯丁 没什么好说的了 We’ve talked, Justin. All the talking is done.
      [01:23.96]看,谁会为无聊的足球分手,好吗? Look, no one breaks up over a stupid soccer issue, OK?
      [01:27.32]就不能冷静5秒钟吗? Can you just be a girl for five seconds?
      [01:30.24]5秒钟? For five seconds?
      [01:31.32]好了,首先 那不是什么无聊的足球, OK, first of all, it’s not a stupid soccer issue,
      [01:34.68]其次你是个混蛋 哦,看那,时间到了! and you’re a jerk. Oh, look at that! Time’s up!
      [01:41.44]对不起,抱歉,一个人 Excuse me. Sorry. One, please.
      [02:19.24]好好学习 Stay in school.
      [02:30.96]塞巴斯蒂安?塞巴斯蒂安! Sebastian? Sebastian!
      [02:34.12]- 摩妮琪在我后面 - 你去哪儿? - Monique’s behind me. - Where are you going?
      [02:36.32]- 明白 - 塞巴斯蒂安! - We’re on it. - Sebastian!
      [02:46.36]对不起,超过8岁的不能玩海洋球 Excuse me. No one over 8 years old is allowed inside the Moon Bounce.
      [02:50.96]- 我刚看到我男友进去 - 应该是“前”男友 - I just saw my boyfriend go in there. - The correct term is "ex-boyfriend."
      [02:54.04]我说分手才算数,懂吗? No relationship is over until I say it is. Understand?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
