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时间:2015-02-25 21:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:00.36]Thats an adult word to show anger and other things. 大人用这个字表示愤怒 和其他的事 [01:05.47]- But just dont use that one, okay? - Okay. -你千万不能用 -好啦 [01:08.54]Whats that say on the back of your bag?
  •   [01:00.36]That's an adult word to show anger and other things. 大人用这个字表示愤怒 和其他的事
      [01:05.47]- But just don't use that one, okay? - Okay. -你千万不能用 -好啦
      [01:08.54]What's that say on the back of your bag? 你的背包上写了什么字?
      [01:11.04]My nickname. 我的绰号
      [01:13.21]We pick nicknames. 小朋友都有绰号
      [01:15.01]- Oh, yeah? What's it say? - "Hot Rod." -你的绰号是什么? -闪电侠
      [01:21.39]- Did you have a nickname? - Yep. -你有绰号吗? -有
      [01:23.62]- What? - "Ten-Gallon Head." -什么? -大头
      [01:26.56]- What's that? - I grew up in Louisiana, near Texas. -为什么? -我在路易斯安那州长大
      [01:29.66]Everybody wears cowboy hats. And a ten-gallon's a big hat. 大家都戴牛仔帽 超大的牛仔帽
      [01:34.50]I was smart back then, so they called me Ten-Gallon Head. 我小时候很聪明,所以绰号是大头
      [01:38.67]- Hoss wears that hat. - Hoss? -霍斯也戴牛仔帽 -霍斯?
      [01:41.07]Hoss Cartwright on Bonanza1. 《Bonanza》 中的角色呀
      [01:43.24]- How do you know Bonanza? - We watch it at Mrs. Chu's. -你怎么会看过《Bonanza》 ? -我在朱太太家看的
      [01:47.45]- You watch Bonanza at daycare? - Yeah. -你们在托儿所看电视? -对
      [01:51.62]When? When do you watch it? 几时看的?
      [01:53.88]- After snack? After your nap? - After Love Boat. -午休时间以后吗? -看完《LoveBoat》以后
      [02:02.46]I made my list for my birthday. 我列了生日礼物的清单
      [02:05.40]- Yeah, what'd you put on there? - A basketball or an ant farm. -你要什么礼物? -篮球或是玩具蚂蚁农场
      [02:13.54]- He says he's been watching TV. - Oh, little TV for history. -他说他都在看电视 -看电视可以学历史呀
      [02:18.01]- Love Boat? - For history. Navy. -《LoveBoat》 ? -海军史呀
      [02:21.81]That's not the Navy. 那跟海军无关
      [02:23.78]I mean, he could watch television at home. 他可以在家看
      [02:26.12]We're paying you $ 150 a month. If he's gonna be sitting around... 我们每月付你150元
      [02:30.69]...watching TV all day, we're taking him out of here. 你只让他看电视,我就带他回家

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
