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时间:2015-02-25 21:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:33.29]Go pay more at other daycare if you dont like Navy TV. 你不爽就带他去别家托儿所 [02:38.96]You late pay anyway. You complain. I complain. 反正你每次都迟缴费用 我才不爽咧 [02:45.67]Can you at least put the
  •   [02:33.29]Go pay more at other daycare if you don't like Navy TV. 你不爽就带他去别家托儿所
      [02:38.96]You late pay anyway. You complain. I complain. 反正你每次都迟缴费用 我才不爽咧
      [02:45.67]Can you at least put the dog upstairs in your room or something? 至少把狗牵到楼上,好吗?
      [02:49.67]Bye. 拜了
      [03:35.52]I was waiting for Witter Resource head Jay Twistle... 我在等人事部主任杜杰伊
      [03:39.66]...whose name sounded so delightful2, like he'd give me a job and a hug. 他的名字真不错 一定会边抱我边给我工作
      [03:45.36]I just had to show him I was good with numbers and good with people. 我只要向他证明我的实力就行
      [03:49.57]- Morning, Mr. Twistle. - Good morning. -早,杜先生 -早安,珍
      [03:51.34]- Mr. Twistle, Chris Gardner. - Hi. 杜先生,我是克里斯贾纳
      [03:52.94]I wanted to drop this off personally and make your acquaintance. 我想亲自把申请表交给你
      [03:55.94]I thought I'd catch you on the way in. I'd love the opportunity to discuss... 顺便有幸认识你 我真的很想
      [03:59.54]...what may seem like weaknesses on my application. 跟你谈谈我的履历
      [04:01.98]We'll start with this, and we'll call you if we wanna sit down. 这样吧,我们会打电话通知你
      [04:04.98]- Yes, sir. You have a great day. - You too. -好的,祝你愉快 -你也是
      [04:14.99]Hey, yeah, how you doing? 你好
      [04:16.79]This is Chris Gardner calling for Dr. Delsey. 我找戴医生
      [04:19.20]Yeah, I'm running a little late for a sales call. 我可能会迟到
      [04:21.57]I was wondering if... Yeah, Osteo National. 不知道 对,骨质密度扫描机
      [04:25.30]Right. We can still? Half an hour? 我还是可以 半小时?
      [04:28.04]Yes. Beautiful. Beautiful. Thank you, thank you. 太好了 ,谢谢你
      [04:41.25]Hey! Hey!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
