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时间:2015-02-25 21:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.04]This little cube is the gift sensation of 1981. 这是1981年的热门玩具 [00:04.88]Dont expect to solve it easily. 解法并不容易 [00:06.48]Although we did encounter one math professor at USF... 不过有一个人 旧金山大
  •   [00:01.04]This little cube is the gift sensation of 1981. 这是1981年的热门玩具
      [00:04.88]Don't expect to solve it easily. 解法并不容易
      [00:06.48]Although we did encounter one math professor at USF... 不过有一个人 旧金山大学教授
      [00:09.11]...who took just 30 minutes on his. 花半小时就解开了
      [00:11.82]This is as far as I've gotten on mine. 我只解到这个程度
      [00:14.25]As you can see, I still have a long way to go. 还差得很远呢
      [00:17.82]This is Jim Finnerty reporting for KJSF in Richmond. 这是记者费吉姆的报导
      [00:20.66]Hey, wake up. 醒醒
      [00:23.56]Eat. 吃早饭
      [00:26.20]- Bye, Mom. - Bye, baby. -妈,拜了 -拜拜,宝贝
      [00:28.87]- Come back without that, please. - Oh, yeah, I'm going to. -你最好把机器卖出去 -我会啦
      [00:32.07]So go ahead, say goodbye to it, because I'm coming back without it. 向它说再见吧
      [00:35.21]Goodbye and good riddance. 再见,永别了
      [00:37.84]You ain't had to add the "good riddance" part. 你不必跟我说“永别了”
      [00:40.01]Bye, Mom. 拜了 ,妈
      [00:42.58]Bye. 拜拜
      [00:44.15]It's written as P-P-Y, but it's supposed to be an I in "happiness." 幸福的拼法是I ,不是Y
      [00:47.95]- Is it an adjective? - No, actually it's a noun. -那是形容词吗? -其实是名词
      [00:51.29]But it's not spelled right. 不过拼错了
      [00:53.22]- Is "fuck" spelled right? - Yeah, that's spelled right. -“干”拼对了吗? -拼对了
      [00:57.03]But that's not part of the motto, so you're not supposed to learn that. 不过那是脏话 你不能学

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
