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时间:2015-02-25 21:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:49.13]你确定不改变心意? Sure you wont change your mind? [01:53.26]我确定 Im sure. [01:64.11]好吧 再见 Okay. Bye. [02:27.83]以后的日子会更好 Things are going to get much better. [02:31.47]终于有一次 乔治娜婆
  •   [01:49.13]你确定不改变心意? Sure you won’t change your mind?
      [01:53.26]我确定 I’m sure.
      [01:64.11]好吧  再见 Okay. Bye.
      [02:27.83]以后的日子会更好 Things are going to get much better.
      [02:31.47]终于有一次 乔治娜婆婆知道自己在说什么了 And for once, Grandma Georgina knew exactly what she was talking about.
      [02:37.94]隔天早上查理帮爸妈 修理屋顶上的破洞 The next morning, Charlie helped his parents fix the hole in the roof.
      [02:43.78]约瑟夫爷爷不再整天躺在床上 Grandpa Joe spent the whole day out of bed.
      [02:47.02]他一点也不觉得累 He didn’t feel tired at all.
      [02:50.72]查理的父亲在牙膏工厂 找到一份更好的工作... Charlie’s father got a better job at the toothpaste factory...
      [02:54.39]修理取代他的机器 repairing the machine that had replaced him.
      [02:59.73]巴格特一家人日子过得好极了 Things had never been better for the Bucket family.
      [02:63.40]威利·旺卡就没那么好过了 The same could not be said for Willy Wonka.
      [02:67.14]我搞不懂 I can’t put my finger on it.
      [02:69.81]糖果向来是我唯一确定的东西... Candy’s the only thing I was ever certain of...
      [02:72.24]现在我却一点也不确定了 and now I’m just not certain at all.
      [02:74.85]不知该做什么口味  该试哪个构想 I don’t know which flavors to make or which ideas to try.
      [03:17.82]我开始怀疑自己  太荒谬了 I’m second-guessing myself, which is nuts.
      [03:21.95]我一直是想做什么糖果就做什么 而我... I’ve always made whatever candy I felt like, and I...
      [03:31.33]就是这样  对吧? That’s just it, isn’t it?
      [03:33.47]我做了想做的糖果 但我现在很沮丧 这表示糖果也很烂 I make the candy I feel like, but now I feel terrible, so the candy’s terrible.
      [03:39.17]你很厉害耶 You’re very good.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
