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时间:2015-02-25 21:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:15.70]我家人也可以一起去吧? I mean, its all right if my family come too? [00:18.53]亲爱的 当然不可以 Oh, my dear boy, of course they cant. [00:21.70]糟老头和臭老太婆成天黏着你... You cant run a chocolate f
  •   [00:15.70]我家人也可以一起去吧? I mean, it’s all right if my family come too?
      [00:18.53]亲爱的  当然不可以 Oh, my dear boy, of course they can’t.
      [00:21.70]糟老头和臭老太婆成天黏着你... You can’t run a chocolate factory...
      [00:23.54]怎么经营巧克力工厂?  我无意冒犯 with a family hanging over you like an old, dead goose. No offense1.
      [00:27.07]没关系...混蛋 None taken, jerk2.
      [00:30.94]巧克力制造商要独来独往 A chocolatier has to run free and solo3.
      [00:33.61]他要追逐梦想  不管后果如何 He has to follow his dreams. Gosh darn the consequences.
      [00:38.09]看看我 Look at me.
      [00:39.49]我没有家人  却有非凡的成就 I had no family, and I’m a giant success.
      [00:43.39]若我搬去工厂和你住 我就再也见不到家人了? So if I go with you to the factory, I won’t ever see my family again?
      [00:47.56]对  算你走运 Yeah. Consider that a bonus.
      [00:52.53]那我不去了 Then I’m not going.
      [00:54.87]我说什么也不抛弃家人 I wouldn’t give up my family for anything.
      [00:57.94]就算给我再多巧克力也没用 Not for all the chocolate in the world.
      [00:62.38]我懂了 Oh, I see.
      [00:66.41]很奇怪耶 That’s weird4.
      [00:71.45]还有别种糖果  不只巧克力 There’s other candy too besides chocolate.
      [01:15.12]对不起  旺卡先生 我要留在这里 I’m sorry, Mr. Wonka. I’m staying here.
      [01:24.80]好吧  这... Well, that’s just...
      [01:27.37]出乎我意料之外... unexpected...
      [01:30.91]而且很奇怪 and weird.
      [01:39.62]但我想既然如此  我就... But I suppose, in that case, I’ll just...
      [01:44.72]再见了 Goodbye, then.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
