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时间:2015-02-25 20:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:71.93]只好等着看 Shall simply have to wait and see [02:73.73]他能否恢复原来的高度 If we can get him back his height [03:15.77]如果不能 But if we cant [03:18.50]也是他自作自受 It serves him right [03:20.04]快抓他
  •   [02:71.93]只好等着看 Shall simply have to wait and see
      [02:73.73]他能否恢复原来的高度 If we can get him back his height
      [03:15.77]如果不能 But if we can’t
      [03:18.50]也是他自作自受 It serves him right
      [03:20.04]快抓他出来 Somebody grab him.
      [03:21.44]救救我 Help me.
      [03:23.97]救救我 Help me.
      [03:26.48]谢天谢地  他安然无恙 Oh, thank heavens. He’s completely unharmed.
      [03:29.75]安然无恙? 你在胡说什么? Unharmed? What are you talking about?
      [03:36.15]再逆向把我传回去 Just put me back in the other way.
      [03:38.72]不能逆向了 There is no other way.
      [03:40.46]这是电视  又不是电话 差别很大耶 It’s television, not telephone. There’s quite a difference.
      [03:43.69]你建议我们该怎么做呢? And what exactly do you propose to do about it?
      [03:46.86]我不知道 I don’t know.
      [03:48.90]但年轻人的弹性极佳 伸展力超好的 But young men are extremely springy. They stretch like mad.
      [03:53.20]-把他放进拉太妃糖的机器里 -拉太妃糖的机器? -Let’s go put him in the taffy puller. -Taffy puller?
      [03:56.97]那是我想到的 Hey, that was my idea.
      [03:60.41]天哪  他会变得很瘦 Boy, is he gonna be skinny.
      [03:62.85]是啊 Yeah.
      [03:64.58]拉太妃糖的机器 Taffy puller.
      [03:67.75]带蒂维先生和他的... I want you to take Mr. Teavee and his...
      [03:71.66]小孩去拉太妃糖的房间 little boy up to the taffy puller, okay?
      [03:74.46]把他拉长 Stretch him out.
      [04:27.07]继续参观吧 On with the tour.
      [04:37.85]还有很多东西要看呢 There’s still so much left to see.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
