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时间:2015-02-25 20:58来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:46.14]每个频道都看看 我开始担心了 Try every channel. Im starting to feel a little anxious. [01:54.75]-他在那里 -麦克 -There he is. -Mike. [01:57.22]我们至今学会的... The most important thing... [01:59.09]最重要
  •   [01:46.14]每个频道都看看  我开始担心了 Try every channel. I’m starting to feel a little anxious.
      [01:54.75]-他在那里  -麦克 -There he is. -Mike.
      [01:57.22]我们至今学会的... The most important thing...
      [01:59.09]最重要的事情 That we’ve ever learned
      [01:60.49]与孩子们有关的 The most important thing we’ve learned As far as children are concerned
      [01:64.06]就是永远不能让他们走近电视机 Is never, never let them near The television set
      [01:67.06]最好就是根本没有装那个傻玩意 Or better still just don’t install The idiotic1 thing at all
      [01:71.53]永远不能让他们... Never, never let them Never, never let them...
      [02:27.32]永远不能让他们... Never, never let them...
      [02:29.08]永远不能让他们... Never, never let them...
      [02:30.52]它腐蚀脑袋 It rots the senses in the head
      [02:32.49]它把想像力杀掉 It keeps imagination dead
      [02:33.86]它堵塞人的思想  扰乱人心 It clogs2 and clutters3 up the mind
      [02:35.56]它使小朋友变蠢 It makes a child so dull and blind
      [02:37.33]好蠢 So dull, so dull
      [02:38.86]再也不能理解幻想和童话世界 He can no longer understand A fairy tale, a fairyland
      [02:42.07]童话世界 A fairyland, a fairyland
      [02:43.83]他的脑子像起司一样软 His brain becomes as soft as cheese
      [02:45.40]思维能力生锈  凝滞不前 His thinking powers rust4 and freeze
      [02:47.07]他不会想  只会看 He cannot think, he only sees
      [02:55.11]关于麦克·蒂维 Regarding little Mike Teavee
      [02:58.21]我们感到很抱歉 We very much regret that we
      [02:61.42]感到很抱歉 Regret that we
      [02:64.69]我们只好等着看 Shall simply have to wait and see
      [02:66.46]等着看... Wait and see, wait and see
      [02:67.92]等着看... Wait and see, wait and see, wait and see
      [02:70.39]我们感到很抱歉 We very much regret that we

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
