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时间:2015-02-25 20:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:40.35]现在剩下几个小朋友? Now, how many children are left? [04:45.59]旺卡先生 只剩下查理一个人了 Mr. Wonka, Charlies the only one left now. [04:52.33]只剩下你一个人? You mean, youre the only one? [04:54.63]对
  •   [04:40.35]现在剩下几个小朋友? Now, how many children are left?
      [04:45.59]旺卡先生 只剩下查理一个人了 Mr. Wonka, Charlie’s the only one left now.
      [04:52.33]只剩下你一个人? You mean, you’re the only one?
      [04:54.63]对 Yes.
      [04:56.57]其他人都怎么了? What happened to the others?
      [04:62.41]亲爱的孩子  这表示你赢了 Oh, my dear boy, but that means you’ve won.
      [04:65.18]恭喜你  我衷心祝贺你 Oh, I do congratulate you. I really do.
      [04:67.51]我太高兴了 I’m absolutely delighted.
      [04:69.02]我早有预感了  干得好 I had a hunch5 right from the beginning. Well done.
      [04:71.75]现在我们刻不容缓 Now, we mustn’t dilly or dally6.
      [04:73.92]因为在天黑前还有很多事要做 We have an enormous number of things to do before the day’s out.
      [00:17.02]但幸好有玻璃电梯 可以迅速往来各处... But luckily for us, we have the great glass elevator to speed things along...
      [00:27.53]迅速往来各处 Speed things along.
      [00:31.67]走吧 Come on.
      [00:39.48]往上飞出去?  这是什么房间? "Up and Out"? What kind of room is that?
      [00:42.32]站稳了 Hold on.
      [00:52.73]我的老天 Oh, my goodness.
      [00:54.66]我们速度要更快  否则冲不破 We’re gonna need to go much faster, otherwise we’ll just never break through.
      [00:58.40]冲破什么? Break through what?
      [00:60.20]我多年来一直期待按下那个钮 I’ve been longing1 to press that button for years.
      [00:63.37]走吧  往上飞出去 Well, here we go. Up and out.
      [00:66.47]-但你真的是要...  -没错 -But do you really mean...? -Yeah. I do.
      [00:69.04]但这是玻璃做的 But it’s made of glass.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
