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时间:2015-01-27 22:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:03.37]在世界各地称斤论两的卖了 Theyll be selling him by the pound all over the world? [03:07.08]不行 我绝对不允许 那一定很难吃 No. I wouldnt allow it. The taste would be terrible. [03:10.55]你能想像...奥古塔
  •   [03:03.37]在世界各地称斤论两的卖了 They’ll be selling him by the pound all over the world?
      [03:07.08]不行  我绝对不允许 那一定很难吃 No. I wouldn’t allow it. The taste would be terrible.
      [03:10.55]你能想像...奥古塔斯口味的巧克力糖吗? Can you imagine Augustus-flavored, chocolate-coated Gloop?
      [03:14.65]没人会买的 No one would buy it.
      [03:24.66]请你带格卢普太太去软糖间 I want you to take Mrs. Gloop up to the Fudge Room, okay?
      [03:28.10]帮忙找她儿子 Help her find her son.
      [03:29.77]拿一根长棍子 在搅拌巧克力的木桶里探探看  懂吗 Take a long stick and start poking around in the big chocolate-mixing barrel, okay?
      [03:52.12]旺卡先生? Mr. Wonka?
      [03:54.06]奥柏伦柏人唱的歌 怎会有奥古塔斯的名字? 除非他们... Why would Augustus’ name already be in the Oompa-Loompa song, unless...?
      [03:57.76]即兴演出很简单 谁都会表演 Improvisation is a parlor trick. Anyone can do it.
      [04:01.97]小女孩  说点什么吧 You, little girl. Say something.
      [04:03.87]-随便什么都好 -口香糖 -Anything. -Chewing gum.
      [04:06.44]口香糖实在恶心 口香糖我最唾弃 Chewing gum is really gross Chewing gum, I hate the most
      [04:09.27]看吧?  就是这样啊 See? Exactly the same.
      [04:11.48]才不一样呢 No, it isn’t.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
