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时间:2015-01-27 22:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:13.95]你不该碎碎念 You really shouldnt mumble. [04:15.85]因为你说的话我一个字也听不懂 Because I cant understand a word youre saying. [04:20.25]现在...继续参观吧 Now, on with the tour. [04:25.79]-奥柏伦柏人真
  •   [04:13.95]你不该碎碎念 You really shouldn’t mumble.
      [04:15.85]因为你说的话我一个字也听不懂 Because I can’t understand a word you’re saying.
      [04:20.25]现在...继续参观吧 Now, on with the tour.
      [04:25.79]-奥柏伦柏人真的是在开玩笑吗 -当然是在开玩笑 -Are the Oompa-Loompas really joking? -Of course they’re joking.
      [04:29.90]那个孩子不会有事的 That boy will be fine.
      [00:21.35]有什么好笑的? What’s so funny?
      [00:23.35]应该是吃了太多可可豆吧 I think it’s from all those doggone cocoa beans.
      [00:26.25]对了  你们知不知道  巧克力有一种成份... Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property...
      [00:30.33]能刺激脑内啡的分泌 给人恋爱般的愉悦感觉? that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love.
      [00:35.50]这样啊 You don’t say.
      [00:39.87]上船啰 All aboard.
      [00:52.28]前进! Onward!
      [01:17.47]来吧 Here.
      [01:19.21]喝一点  对你有好处 你看起来好像快饿死了 Try some of this. It’ll do you good. You look starved to death.
      [01:25.25]-好好喝哦 -因为这是用瀑布搅拌的 -It’s great. -That’s because it’s mixed by waterfall.
      [01:29.88]瀑布是最重要的关键 The waterfall is most important.
      [01:31.55]混合巧克力  搅拌均匀 让巧克力滑溜又顺口 Mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy.
      [01:35.96]-对了  全世界没有别的工厂... -你已经说过了 -By the way, no other factory in the world...-You already said that.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
