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时间:2015-01-27 22:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:43.05]我们叫道: 时机已成熟 Come on! we cried The time is ripe [00:45.52]把他弄到玻璃管里去 To send him shooting up the pipe! [00:48.25]不过亲爱的小朋友们 不必害怕 But dont, dear children, be alarmed [00:50
  •   [00:43.05]我们叫道: 时机已成熟 "Come on!" we cried "The time is ripe
      [00:45.52]把他弄到玻璃管里去 To send him shooting up the pipe!"
      [00:48.25]不过亲爱的小朋友们  不必害怕 But don’t, dear children, be alarmed
      [00:50.82]奥古塔斯·格卢普不会出事 Augustus Gloop will not be harmed
      [00:53.49]奥古塔斯·格卢普不会出事 Augustus Gloop will not be harmed
      [01:27.22]当然  我们必须承认 Although, of course, we must admit
      [01:29.39]他将有不少改变 He will be altered quite a bit
      [01:32.23]轮子慢慢地转了一下又一下 Slowly, wheels go round and round
      [01:34.93]齿轮开始又磨又压... And cogs begin to grind and pound...
      [02:33.14]赞啊!  表演得真棒 Bravo! Well done!
      [02:35.25]他们很可爱  很讨人喜欢吧? Aren’t they delightful? Aren’t they charming?
      [02:37.65]-这段歌舞好像是彩排好的 -他们好像知道会发生什么事 -I do say, that all seemed rather rehearsed. -Like they knew it was gonna happen.
      [02:42.85]少胡说八道了 Oh, poppycock.
      [02:47.82]我儿子呢?  那根管子通往哪里? Where is my son? Where does that pipe go to?
      [02:52.13]那根管子直通另一个房间... That pipe, it just so happens to lead...
      [02:54.56]那个房间是制造最美味的... directly to the room where I make delicious...
      [02:57.00]草莓牛奶巧克力夹心软糖 strawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge.
      [02:59.67]那他就要被做成 草莓牛奶巧克力夹心软糖 Then he will be made into strawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
