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时间:2015-01-27 22:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:24.41]奥古塔斯 千万别那样做 Augustus, my child, that is not a good thing you do! [03:30.41]小男孩 Hey, little boy. [03:32.05]不要用手去碰我的巧克力 My chocolate must be untouched by human hands. [03:42.09]他会溺
  •   [03:24.41]奥古塔斯  千万别那样做 Augustus, my child, that is not a good thing you do!
      [03:30.41]小男孩 Hey, little boy.
      [03:32.05]不要用手去碰我的巧克力 My chocolate must be untouched by human hands.
      [03:42.09]他会溺死的 He’ll drown.
      [03:45.00]他不会游泳 He can’t swim.
      [03:46.70]快救他! Save him!
      [03:49.47]奥古塔斯!  不! Augustus! No!
      [03:58.58]奥古塔斯! Augustus!
      [04:09.65]奥古塔斯  小心! Augustus, watch out!
      [04:29.11]他被吸上去了 There he goes.
      [04:32.28]快来人  救命啊! Call the fire brigade!
      [04:34.11]那根管子居然够粗耶 It’s a wonder how that pipe is big enough.
      [04:37.28]不够粗啦 他慢下来了 It isn’t big enough. He’s slowing down.
      [04:39.65]他会卡住的 He’s gonna stick.
      [04:42.52]已经卡住了 I think he has.
      [04:47.36]整根管子都被他塞住了 He’s blocked the whole pipe.
      [04:51.90]你们看  奥柏伦柏人 Look. The Oompa-Loompas.
      [00:02.10]他们在干嘛? What are they doing?
      [00:06.08]他们应该是想唱歌给我们听 这是很特别的场合 They’re going to treat us to a little song. It is quite a special occasion.
      [00:10.21]他们很久没观众了 They haven’t had a fresh audience in many a moon.
      [00:32.40]奥古塔斯·格卢普... Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop...
      [00:35.47]那个贪吃的大傻瓜 The great big, greedy nincompoop
      [00:37.97]奥古塔斯·格卢普  又肥又皮  贪婪可恶又幼稚 Augustus Gloop, so big and vile So greedy, foul and infantile

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
