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时间:2015-01-27 21:58来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:22.35]还有你 你纯粹是运气好吧 And you. Well, youre just lucky to be here, arent you? [04:27.42]其他几位想必是他们的... And the rest of you must be their... [04:37.43]-家长? -对 -Parents. -Yeah. [04:40.03]爸爸和妈
  •   [04:22.35]还有你 你纯粹是运气好吧 And you. Well, you’re just lucky to be here, aren’t you?
      [04:27.42]其他几位想必是他们的... And the rest of you must be their...
      [04:37.43]-家长?  -对 -Parents. -Yeah.
      [04:40.03]爸爸和妈妈 Moms and dads.
      [04:43.70]爸爸? Dad?
      [04:47.21]爸? Papa?
      [04:55.58]好了  我们继续走 Okay, then. Let’s move along.
      [00:14.90]-想不想吃巧克力? -好啊 -Would you like some chocolate? -Sure.
      [00:17.23]那你要自己带啊 Then you should’ve brought some.
      [00:23.04]-我们当好朋友吧 -最好的朋友 -Let’s be friends. -Best friends.
      [00:37.79]这个房间很重要 An important room, this.
      [00:39.69]-毕竟这是巧克力工厂 -为什么门这么小? -After all, it is a chocolate factory. -Then why is the door so small?
      [00:44.26]这样浓郁的巧克力香味 才不会散出去啊 That’s to keep all the great big chocolaty flavor inside.
      [01:09.69]现在...小心点  亲爱的孩子们 Now, do be careful, my dear children.
      [01:13.09]别昏了头 Don’t lose your heads.
      [01:15.02]别兴奋过度 Don’t get overexcited.
      [01:17.86]尽量保持冷静 Just keep very calm.
      [01:36.71]好漂亮 It’s beautiful.
      [01:38.95]什么? What?
      [01:41.05]对  是很漂亮 Oh, yeah, it’s very beautiful.
      [01:52.93]河里的每一滴巧克力... Every drop of the river...
      [01:55.47]都是最高品质的热融巧克力 is hot, melted chocolate of the finest quality.
      [02:04.11]瀑布是最重要的关键 The waterfall is most important.
      [02:06.58]用瀑布来混合巧克力 Mixes the chocolate.
      [02:08.48]搅拌均匀 让巧克力滑溜又顺口 Churns it up. Makes it light and frothy.
      [02:12.05]对了... By the way...
      [02:13.45]全世界没有别的工厂  用瀑布来混合巧克力 no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall, my dear children.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
