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时间:2015-01-27 21:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:19.39]这点我可以向你们保证 And you can take that to the bank. [02:31.64]各位 People. [02:35.41]那些管子... Those pipes... [02:37.84]会吸取巧克力 输送到工厂内的各个角落 suck up the chocolate and carry it
  •   [02:19.39]这点我可以向你们保证 And you can take that to the bank.
      [02:31.64]各位 People.
      [02:35.41]那些管子... Those pipes...
      [02:37.84]会吸取巧克力 输送到工厂内的各个角落 suck up the chocolate and carry it away all over the factory.
      [02:43.15]每小时好几千加仑 没错 Thousands of gallons an hour. Yeah.
      [02:47.25]喜欢这片草地吗?  抓一把来吃 And do you like my meadow? Try some of my grass.
      [02:50.32]你们就吃一点吧 这是又好吃又好看 Please have a blade. Please do. It’s so delectable and so darn good-looking.
      [02:55.56]草也可以吃? You can eat the grass?
      [02:57.20]当然 Of course you can.
      [02:59.43]这个房间里的每样东西都能吃 Everything in this room is eatable.
      [03:01.83]就连我也可以吃 Even I’m eatable.
      [03:03.37]不过我们不是食人族啦... But that is called cannibalism, my dear children...
      [03:06.34]文明社会是不容许人吃人的 and is, in fact, frowned upon in most societies.
      [03:09.44]是啊 Yeah.
      [03:11.71]尽情享用吧 Enjoy.
      [03:13.95]去啊 快去啊 Go on. Scoot, scoot.
      [03:37.47]儿子 Son.
      [03:40.34]拜托别闹了 Please.
      [03:42.67]爸  他说"尽情"耶 Dad, he said, "Enjoy."
      [03:59.29]何必这么坚持?  干嘛不换片新的? Why hold on to it? Why not start a new piece?
      [04:03.06]换了  我就不是冠军 而是个失败者  像你一样 Because then I wouldn’t be a champion. I’d be a loser, like you.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
