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时间:2015-01-27 21:58来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:46.35]不是 No, sir. [02:48.25]那就好 欢迎你回来 Then wonderful. Welcome back. [02:49.99]我们快开始吧 Lets get a move on, kids. [02:54.46]你不想知道我们的名字吗? Dont you want to know our names? [02:56.99]我觉得
  •   [02:46.35]不是 No, sir.
      [02:48.25]那就好  欢迎你回来 Then wonderful. Welcome back.
      [02:49.99]我们快开始吧 Let’s get a move on, kids.
      [02:54.46]你不想知道我们的名字吗? Don’t you want to know our names?
      [02:56.99]我觉得没必要耶 快走吧  有太多东西要看了 Can’t imagine how it would matter. Come quickly. Far too much to see.
      [03:07.41]外套随便丢就行了 Just drop your coats anywhere.
      [03:15.38]-旺卡先生  室内很热耶 -什么? -Mr. Wonka? Sure is toasty in here. -What?
      [03:19.35]室内要保持温暖 因为我的员工都习惯热带气候 I have to keep it warm in here. My workers are used to an extremely hot climate.
      [03:24.19]他们受不了寒冷 They just can’t stand the cold.
      [03:26.56]什么员工? Who are the workers?
      [03:28.36]待会儿就知道了  现在... All in good time. Now...
      [03:34.73]旺卡先生  我是紫罗兰·博雷加德 Mr. Wonka, I’m Violet Beauregarde.
      [03:39.54]-我才不在乎 -你应该要在乎 -I don’t care. -Well, you should care.
      [03:41.74]因为赢得大奖的人会是我 Because I’m gonna win the special prize at the end.
      [03:44.38]你看起来很有自信  自信很重要 Well, you do seem confident, and confidence is key.
      [03:50.35]我是维露卡·索尔特  幸会 I’m Veruca Salt. It’s very nice to meet you, sir.
      [03:53.92]我以为维露卡... I always thought a verruca was a type of wart...
      [03:56.46]是脚底长的一种疣 you got on the bottom of your foot.
      [04:00.46]我是奥古塔斯·格卢普 我很爱吃你的巧克力 I am Augustus Gloop. I love your chocolate.
      [04:04.63]看得出来  我也很喜欢 I can see that. So do I.
      [04:07.47]没想到我们有这么多共同点 I never expected to have so much in common.
      [04:14.64]你是麦克·蒂维 You. You’re Mike Teavee.
      [04:17.94]那个坏了我好事的小魔鬼 You’re the little devil who cracked the system.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
