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时间:2015-01-14 21:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:29.44]And if those terms are unacceptable, 以下言辞如有冒犯敬请原谅 [02:32.77]leaving London will be a pleasure, 住在伦敦会是享受 [02:34.71]as long as youre waiting for me on the other side. 只要你总是在另一边
  •   [02:29.44]And if those terms are unacceptable, 以下言辞如有冒犯敬请原谅
      [02:32.77]leaving London will be a pleasure, 住在伦敦会是享受
      [02:34.71]as long as you’re waiting for me on the other side. 只要你总是在另一边等着我
      [02:39.11]’Cause the truth is, Sophie, 因为事实是 索菲
      [02:42.22]I am madly, deeply, truly, passionately in love with you. 我疯狂地 深深地 真诚地 狂热地爱着你
      [02:48.89]You are? 真的?
      [02:51.49]I am. 真的
      [02:56.43]Are you gonna kiss me?       Yeah. 你是要吻我吗?      是的
      [02:59.17]Yeah. 是的
      [03:01.90]Oh, my God! 我的天哪
      [03:05.17]Charlie! 查理
      [03:07.51]I can’t believe I just did that. 真不敢相信我掉下来了
      [03:10.65]Hi. 嗨
      [03:13.42]Are you okay? 你还好吗
      [03:15.18]Please tell me no one saw that. 请告诉我没人看到
      [03:21.06]Nobody saw it. 没人看到
      [03:24.96]Good. That’s good. 很好 太好了
      [03:31.43]Can you move? 你能动吗?
      [03:35.67]Only my lips. 只能动嘴唇
      [03:44.21]What if we were made for each other 如果我们是天生一对
      [03:48.05]Born to become best friends and lovers 天造地设的好朋友兼爱人
      [03:52.05]I want to stay right here in this moment with you 我想跟你停留在这一刻
      [03:55.26]Over and over and over again 一遍又一遍重演
      [03:59.86]What if this could be a real love 如果这是一场真正的爱情呢

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
