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时间:2015-01-14 21:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:25.81]And you should be back with her right now. 你应该回去陪她了 [01:28.34]Patricia is my cousin. Shes my cousin. 帕翠莎是我表妹 她是我表妹 [01:31.71]How is that legal? No... 近亲合法吗? 不 [01:35.78]Sophie...
  •   [01:25.81]And you should be back with her right now. 你应该回去陪她了
      [01:28.34]Patricia is my cousin. She’s my cousin. 帕翠莎是我表妹 她是我表妹
      [01:31.71]How is that legal?       No... 近亲合法吗?      不
      [01:35.78]Sophie... No. 索菲... 不
      [01:37.72]No, no, no. Let me explain! 不不不 让我解释
      [01:40.16]Sophie, I’m so stupid. There’s two Patricias. 索菲 我真傻 总共有两个帕翠莎
      [01:44.09]There’s my cousin, who’s here, 来的是我表妹
      [01:45.36]and the one that I’ve completely forgotten about. 另一个我已经完全忘了
      [01:48.70]More importantly, there’s only one Sophie. 更重要的是 总共只有一个索菲
      [01:53.07]Now, would you please come down? 现在你可以下来了吗?
      [01:56.34]Wait, Charlie. Charlie, stop. What are you doing? 等等 查理 停下 你在做什么?
      [02:01.18]Charlie, what are you doing? 查理 你要干什么
      [02:03.58]Listen to me. Listen to me very, very carefully. 听我说 好好听我说
      [02:08.52]I live in London, a gorgeous, vibrant, historic city  我住在伦敦 一个美丽 漂亮 有历史感的城市
      [02:12.10]that I happen to love living in. 我爱那里
      [02:14.46]You live in New York, which is highly overrated. 而你住在纽约 一个名不符实的地方
      [02:16.99]Pardon me? 你说什么?
      [02:19.53]But since the Atlantic Ocean is a bit wide to cross every day, 但因为今天要穿越这么大的大西洋
      [02:22.33]swimming, boating or flying, I suggest we flip for it. 不管是游泳 坐船还是坐飞机 那就先不管它了
      [02:27.60]What are you saying? 你想说什么啊?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
