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时间:2015-01-05 21:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:57.48]Do you know what you are? 知道你是谁吗? [01:59.21]You are the Montagues and the Capulets. 你是马特科斯和凯普莱特两家的人 [02:01.41]You mean... Well, at least Im not Romeo. 你是说... 至少我不是罗密欧
  •   [01:57.48]Do you know what you are? 知道你是谁吗?
      [01:59.21]You are the Montagues and the Capulets. 你是马特科斯和凯普莱特两家的人
      [02:01.41]You mean... Well, at least I’m not Romeo. 你是说... 至少我不是罗密欧
      [02:06.85]That’s the understatement of the century. 那是本世纪最保守的评价
      [02:08.92]No, no, no, because you see, 不不不 因为你看
      [02:11.56]if I found the love of my life,  如果我找到了我的真爱
      [02:13.30]I wouldn’t stand there like an idiot 就不会像个白痴一样站在那儿
      [02:15.09]whispering in a garden. 在花园连个屁也不敢放
      [02:17.66]I would just grab her from that blasted balcony and be done with it. 我会把她从那破阳台上抢走 一生也不回来
      [02:25.80]Do you believe in destiny? 你相信命运吗?
      [02:29.01]Do you? 你呢?
      [02:31.01]Yeah, I think so. 我信
      [02:32.94]I think it’s destiny that I’m here, right now. 我觉得我现在在这里 就是命运
      [02:41.42]With Claire. 和克莱尔一起
      [02:44.06]Of course. Of course. With Claire. 当然了 跟克莱尔一起
      [03:19.92]Well, this is the street. 就是这条街
      [03:25.80]Well, there’s 2. Here’s number 2. 是2号 就是2号
      [04:46.18]This is what I feared the most. 这就是我最害怕的
      [04:47.68]Charlie, we don’t even know if it’s him. 查理 我们都不知道到底是不是他
      [04:49.10]I hope it’s not. I hope it’s not. 希望不是 我希望不是

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
