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时间:2015-01-05 21:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:55.14]No, you are. Believe me. You are. 没有歪曲你 相信我 [01:57.51]Whats that supposed to mean? It means good night, Charlie. 这是什么意思? 就是晚安的意思 查理 [02:03.18]Good night. Okay. 晚安 好吧 [02:06.28]
  •   [01:55.14]No, you are. Believe me. You are. 没有歪曲你 相信我
      [01:57.51]What’s that supposed to mean?       It means good night, Charlie. 这是什么意思?      就是晚安的意思 查理
      [02:03.18]Good night.       Okay. 晚安      好吧
      [02:06.28]Yeah. 好了
      [02:10.82]Good night. 晚安
      [02:16.16]What? Okay.       Is this 干嘛      这是不是...
      [02:19.46]one of those situations where you’re really saying the opposite 就是传说中的口是心非的
      [02:22.40]of what you actually mean? 时刻之一呢?
      [02:25.17]No. 不是
      [02:26.57]Right. 好吧
      [02:28.51]Good night then. 那就晚安了
      [02:29.94]Good night, Charlie. 晚安 查理
      [02:48.69]Good morning. 早安
      [02:50.43]Good morning. 早
      [02:51.93]Gran wants to sleep in this morning. 奶奶早上喜欢睡懒觉
      [02:53.73]Is she okay? I mean, does she need anything? 她还好吗? 我是说 她需要什么东西吗?
      [02:56.27]No need. She’s tough as old boots, that one. 不要 她坚强如钢铁
      [02:59.74]Churchill in a dress. 穿裙子的丘吉尔
      [03:03.91]So, I thought I’d see a bit of Siena since we’re here. 我想 既然都到这里了 不妨看看锡耶纳
      [03:07.25]It’s a good idea. 好主意
      [03:10.05]I suppose you want to keep on writing. 我想你还是想接着写吧
      [03:14.02]I mean... 我是说...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
