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时间:2014-12-28 22:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:09.99]Im sorry. I didnt know true love had an expiration date. 对不起 我不知道真爱还有保质期的 [02:13.76]True love? Are you joking? 真爱? 你是说笑吗? [02:16.50]Could you imagine what wouldve happened if she hadnt s
  •   [02:09.99]I’m sorry. I didn’t know true love had an expiration date. 对不起 我不知道真爱还有保质期的
      [02:13.76]True love? Are you joking? 真爱? 你是说笑吗?
      [02:16.50]Could you imagine what would’ve happened if she hadn’t seen sense? 如果她不冷静 你能相像会出什么事吗?
      [02:19.07]Well, yeah, you wouldn’t be here, and that would be an upside. 是的 你就不会来了 这倒是好事
      [02:21.33]What are you doing here anyway? 那你到底是干嘛来这?
      [02:22.41]What, are you some lonely American girl  你就是那寂寞的美国女孩
      [02:24.87]who has to live vicariously through others? 非得在别人的生活中才能感到自己存在吗?
      [02:26.41]I’m not lonely. I am engaged. 我不寂寞 我订婚了
      [02:29.64]My condolences to the groom. 祝新郎安息
      [02:42.09]Excuse me! 你说什么
      [02:44.02]So that’s it?  这就是你的目的?
      [02:44.87]You’ve come all the way from London to give me a lecture? 你大老远从伦敦过来就为了对我说教?
      [02:46.96]No, I came because I couldn’t let my grandmother come on her own. 不 我来的原因是我不能让我奶奶自己过来
      [02:49.86]Claire is here? Why? 克莱尔也来了? 为什么?
      [02:52.43]I think even you might be able to work that one out. 我想像你这么蠢的人应该也能想出来

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
