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时间:2014-12-28 22:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:46.03]Were gonna go there, were gonna drink a little wine, 我们马上过去 喝一点葡萄酒 [02:47.70]were gonna get a little tipsy, 喝到有点醉醉的 [02:49.26]and were gonna come back and were gonna... 之后再回来 然后.
  •   [02:46.03]We’re gonna go there, we’re gonna drink a little wine, 我们马上过去 喝一点葡萄酒
      [02:47.70]we’re gonna get a little tipsy, 喝到有点醉醉的
      [02:49.26]and we’re gonna come back and we’re gonna... 之后再回来 然后...
      [02:53.47]I mean, how was it? 我说 怎么样了?
      [02:54.87]I tried to talk to Bobby again.        How did it go? 我想再跟鲍比谈一次       怎么样了?
      [02:57.24]It didn’t go, because I didn’t talk to him. 没有怎么样 因为我没有跟他谈
      [02:58.84]Why?        Because I was scared. 为什么?      因为我害怕
      [03:00.11]Really? 真的?
      [03:01.48]It’s time for me to stop checking facts and actually start writing. 现在是时间放弃审查事实 而真正开始写作了
      [03:04.21]Yeah, yeah, it’s your passion. You should do that. 是的 这是你的激情 你应该这么干
      [03:11.15]It’s the grape that I told you about 这就是我跟你说过的那种葡萄
      [03:12.59]that they use for the region, Soave?       Right, right, right. 本地用来酿酒的 苏瓦韦白葡萄酒?      是的
      [03:14.62]You know. You remember?       Yeah. 你记得吧?      是的
      [03:27.43]Do you like?       This is good. 喜欢吗?      很好喝
      [03:30.04]It’s fresh flower and fruit. Do you feel it? 新鲜的花和水果 能感觉到吗?
      [03:32.14]Yeah? You feel it? It’s so good. 感觉到了吗? 真好
      [03:35.11]Smile. 笑一个
      [03:40.01]Sophie. 索菲
      [03:50.56]We have to get tickets to the opera before they sell out. 我们要在票卖完之前去看戏
      [03:52.86]We need to see the Castelvecchio. Yeah, yeah. 我们要去看卡斯特尔韦基奥城堡 是的
      [03:54.43]We have to see Lake Garda 一定要去加尔达湖看看
      [03:55.50]and Juliet’s house.        Yeah, of course. Yeah. 还有朱丽叶的故居      当然了
      [04:04.10]Sophie, this is beautiful. This is incredible. The smell... 索菲 真漂亮 真不敢相信 这味道...

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