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时间:2014-12-28 22:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:44.69]Petty Officer First Class Robert Beal, who was the second sailor, 海军上士罗伯特比尔 就是站在旁边的水手 [03:47.62]said that the nurse was the bees knees 说那护士是人间尤物 [03:49.32]and that the kiss was
  •   [03:44.69]Petty Officer First Class Robert Beal, who was the second sailor, 海军上士罗伯特·比尔 就是站在旁边的水手
      [03:47.62]said that the nurse was the bee’s knees 说那护士是人间尤物
      [03:49.32]and that the kiss was a completely spontaneous moment 那个吻是完全情不自禁的
      [03:52.49]and a celebration of real love. 是对真爱的庆祝
      [03:55.06]And he told you this himself?       Yes, he did. 他自己告诉你的?      是的
      [03:57.43]’Cause it’s not often that I request  因为我不经常要求
      [03:58.82]a personal audience with a fact checker. 事实审查员要有独立判断
      [04:00.27]It’s ’cause I need to know you’re sure. 而因为我得知道你是不是确定
      [04:01.80]I’m 100% positive. 我百分之百确定
      [04:04.04]Great. 很好
      [04:05.77]I guess people wanna believe in true love, don’t they? 我想人们喜欢相信真爱存在 是不是?
      [04:08.94]Speaking of which, I understand that you’re headed off to Verona 说到这儿 我明白你们要去维罗纳
      [04:11.11]for a pre-honeymoon? 去度前蜜月
      [04:12.55]Explain that to me. 解释一下
      [04:14.12]It’s just a vacation before the wedding. 那只是结婚之前的度假
      [04:16.68]It’s our last chance to spend time alone 那是我们最后的相处的机会
      [04:18.15]before his restaurant...       Well, it’s the city of love, isn’t it? 之后他的餐厅...      那是爱情之城 是不是?
      [04:21.29]Yeah. But I... 是的 但我...
      [04:23.06]Good choice, and good work. Thank you. 好选择 做的好 谢谢
      [04:25.36]I was thinking. What if while I’m there, 我在想 如果我在那儿的时候
      [04:28.73]I write? 进行写作怎样?
      [04:30.13]But you’re such a good fact checker. 但你是个优秀的事实审查员
      [04:33.00]Have a great trip.       Thank you. See you later. 旅途愉快      谢谢 回见
      [04:37.54]Who goes on a honeymoon without a wedding? You are so lucky. 谁有这福分没结婚就去度蜜月啊? 你真幸运

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
