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时间:2014-12-28 22:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:59.58]Youll always stay 你会永远存在 [02:15.26]This is Sophie Hall from The New Yorker. 我是《纽约客》的索菲赫尔 [02:17.60]Hi, Mr. Beal. Thank you for calling me back. 嗨 比尔先生 谢谢您给我回电 [02:21.24]N
  •   [01:59.58]You’ll always stay 你会永远存在
      [02:15.26]This is Sophie Hall from The New Yorker. 我是《纽约客》的索菲·赫尔
      [02:17.60]Hi, Mr. Beal. Thank you for calling me back. 嗨 比尔先生 谢谢您给我回电
      [02:21.24]No. I’m not a writer. I’m a fact checker, actually. 不 我不是作家 其实我是事实审查员
      [02:25.64]It is a bit like being a detective, yes. 就像侦探差不多 是的
      [02:30.51]Let’s see if you are the Robert Beal that I’m looking for. 看看你是不是我要找的罗伯特·比尔
      [02:37.49]Can you confirm where you were  您能确定在二战结束时
      [02:38.99]when you found out World War II was over? 您在哪儿吗?
      [02:44.16]Poughkeepsie? All right. Right, thank you so much. 波基普西? 好的 非常感谢
      [02:48.16]Yes, the moment the war ended. 是的 在战争结束的那一刻
      [02:51.17]Palm Beach? Okay. Lucky guy. 棕榈滩? 你真走运
      [02:53.97]Thank you very much. Bye. 非常感谢 再见
      [03:00.21]Bobby, hey, I got nothing, 鲍比 一点进展都没
      [03:02.71]but there’s two more Robert Beals, and one petty officer, third class. 但还有两个罗伯特·比尔 一个海军下士
      [03:07.18]Wait. 等等
      [03:08.65]I’m gonna call you back. 一会儿打给你
      [03:11.12]Sophie Hall. 我是索菲·赫尔
      [03:12.59]Can you confirm where you were when you found out World War II was over? 能说一下在二战结束时你在哪儿吗?
      [03:16.89]Times Square? I’m in Times Square right now. 时代广场? 我现在就在时代广场呢
      [03:19.89]I’m standing exactly where the photograph was taken. 我就站在拍照的那个地点
      [03:22.73]I really thought I would never find you. 我真的以为永远也找不到你了
      [03:25.47]So, can you... Can I ask you to describe what you saw that day? 那么 你能不能描述一下那天你都看到些什么?
      [03:29.80]The kiss, was it spontaneous or was it staged? 那个吻 是自发的还是设计好的?
      [03:34.28]It was. 原来如此
      [03:36.04]You’re certain? 你确定?
      [03:43.22]So you’re 100% positive? 你百分之百确定?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
