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时间:2014-09-12 22:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:38.58]Andys still packing. But hes almost done. 安迪还在收拾行李 但马上就要收拾好了 [03:43.12]- He lives halfway across town. - Well never get there in time. - 要穿过半个城市才到他家 - 我们肯定赶不上了
  •   [03:38.58]Andy’s still packing. But he’s almost done. 安迪还在收拾行李 但马上就要收拾好了
      [03:43.12]- He lives halfway across town.  - We’ll never get there in time. - 要穿过半个城市才到他家  - 我们肯定赶不上了
      [04:02.36]- Come on, Buster.  - Honey, you’ve got everything? - 巴斯特 快过来  - 宝贝儿 东西都放进去吗?
      [04:05.45]- Yeah, just a few more boxes in my room.  - Ok, come on! - 好了 就剩几个纸箱子了  - 好了 来吧!
      [04:12.45]Alright, go go go! 好了 快走 快 快!
      [04:23.41]Ok. All clear. 进去吧 没有人
      [04:32.67]Oh, there you are! 哦 终于找到你了!
      [04:43.10]Buzz... this isn’t goodbye. 巴斯... 这不是永别
      [04:48.18]- Hey, Woody. Have fun at college.  - Yeah, but not too much fun. - 嘿 伍迪 祝你在大学里玩得开心  - 对 但也别开心过头了
      [04:52.50]- Woody, take care of Andy.  - Yeah. - 伍迪 照顾好安迪  - 是啊
      [04:56.09]- He’s a good kid... Tell him to get a haircut.  - Sure thing. - 他是个好孩子... 提醒他去理发  - 一定
      [00:02.44]- Jessie, you’ll be ok in the attic?  - Of course I will. - 翠丝 你呆在阁楼里没事吧?  - 当然没问题
      [00:06.66]Besides, I know about Buzz’s Spanish mode. 再说 我知道巴斯的西班牙语模式呢
      [00:10.52]My what? 我的什么?
      [00:16.27]You know where to find us, Cowboy. 牛仔 你知道在哪儿能找到我们
      [00:32.54]- Did you say goodbye to Molly?  - Mom, we’ve said goodbye like ten times. - 你跟Molly说再见了吗?  - 妈妈 我们已经说过不下十次了
      [00:48.36]Mom, it’s ok. 妈妈 没事的
      [00:53.26]I know. It’s just... I wish I could always be with you. 我知道 只是... 真希望能永远在你身边
      [01:00.96]You will be, Mom. 会的 妈妈
      [01:19.03]Hey, aren’t you going to say goodbye to Buster? 嘿 你不和巴斯特说再见吗?
      [01:21.33]Of course I am. Who’s a good dog? Who’s a good doggie? 当然要说 谁家的好狗狗啊? 谁家的好狗狗啊?
      [01:40.64]- Get the rest of your things.  - Ok Buster. - 拿上你剩下的东西吧  - 好了 巴斯特
      [01:42.90]Now don’t let Molly near my stuff. 看着Molly 别让她碰我的东西
      [01:59.20]Hey, Mom. So, do you really think I should donate these? 嘿 妈妈 你觉得我真的应该把这些东西捐了吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      玩具总动员      
