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时间:2014-09-03 21:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:43.78]I want to go to the Butterfly Room. With you. 我想去蝴蝶之屋 和你在一起 [03:45.95]- Yeah, well, you should have thought of that yesterday. - I was wrong. - 是嘛 你昨天就该这样想了 - 我错了 [03:49.43]I wan
  •   [03:43.78]I want to go to the Butterfly Room. With you. 我想去蝴蝶之屋 和你在一起
      [03:45.95]- Yeah, well, you should have thought of that yesterday.  - I was wrong. - 是嘛 你昨天就该这样想了  - 我错了
      [03:49.43]I want to be with you Ken, I do, in your Dream House. 我想和你在一起 肯尼 我真的想和你一起住在你的梦之屋里
      [03:52.26]Please take me away from this! Take me away! 请带我走吧! 带我走!
      [03:57.16]Darn it, Barbie. Ok, but things are complicated around here. 见鬼 芭比 好吧 但是这里的情况很复杂
      [04:01.54]- You gotta do what I say.  - I will Ken. I promise. - 你要按照我说的做  - 我会的 肯尼 我保证
      [04:06.00]Wait! I’ll do anything! I’ll change your diapers! 等等! 我可以做任何事! 我可以帮你换尿布!
      [04:56.30]Get the tape! 快拿胶带来!
      [00:04.78]And this is where the magic happens. 这里就是我神奇的更衣室
      [00:08.40]Look at all your clothes! I can’t believe you never brought me up here! 你有这么多衣服! 我真不敢相信你愿意带我来这!
      [00:12.18]- Tennis whites. Mission to Mars.  - Check this out. - 网球服 火星服  - 看看这儿
      [00:15.44]Kung Fu Fighting. Canvas Hero with matching sports pennant. 功夫装 帆布超人还有配套的运动奖旗
      [00:19.37]Flower Power. Oh, Ken! 嬉皮士 哦 肯尼!
      [00:23.50]No one appreciates clothes here, Barbie. 但是这里没人懂得欣赏服装 芭比
      [00:26.09]- No one.  - Ken, would you model a few outfits for me? - 没人  - 肯尼 你能做模特为我秀几件你的衣服吗?
      [00:32.19]Just a few. 几件就好
      [01:04.85]- Go get the key!  - Where is it? Where is it? Where’s the key? Where’s the key? - 去拿钥匙!  - 在哪儿? 在哪儿? 钥匙在哪儿? 钥匙在哪儿?
      [01:09.78]Bingo. 找到了
      [01:21.01]Hey, what do you think you’re doing? I told you, keep your hands off of my stuff! 嘿 你在干嘛? 我告诉过你 不要动我的东西!
      [01:26.45]Make a move, Porky. 有种过来呀 肥猪
      [01:29.50]No fighting. Break it up. 不准打架 快停下
      [01:37.81]You can’t hit each other. That’s my job. 你们不许打架 只有我才能打你们
      [01:44.69]Help! Prison riot! 救命! 监狱发生暴乱了!
      [01:49.08]Get the tortilla. 快去拿玉米饼
      [02:30.29]- Ready?  - Ready. - 准备好了吗?  - 好了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      玩具总动员      
