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时间:2014-09-03 21:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:03.32]Yes, sir. 是 长官 [00:13.86]Where do you think youre going? 你以为你逃得了吗? [00:17.79]- Buzz, were your friends. - Spare me your lies, Temptress. - 巴斯 我们是你的朋友 - 少花言巧语 你这个妖女 [00:21
  •   [00:03.32]Yes, sir. 是 长官
      [00:13.86]Where do you think you’re going? 你以为你逃得了吗?
      [00:17.79]- Buzz, we’re your friends.  - Spare me your lies, Temptress. - 巴斯 我们是你的朋友  - 少花言巧语 你这个妖女
      [00:21.55]Your emperor is defeated and I’m immune to your bewitching good looks. 你的王国已经覆灭了 我是不会为你的美貌所蛊惑的
      [00:26.04]Hey, Mungo. Get your paws off my wife. 嘿 大宝宝 把你的爪子从我老婆身上拿开
      [00:28.73]- Let go of me, you drooling doofus.  - Not him. I think this potato needs to learn himself some manners. - 放开我 你这个流哈喇子的笨蛋  - 别关这里 得给这个蛋头点颜色看看
      [00:35.63]- Take him to the box.  - Hey, put me down, you moron! - 把他放到盒子里面去  - 嘿 放下我 你这个混蛋!
      [00:39.00]Where are you taking me to? Bad baby. Bad baby. 你要把我带到哪里去? 坏孩子 你个坏孩子
      [00:41.64]- Ken, what’s going on?  - Barbie. I told you to wait in the Dream House. - 肯尼 这是怎么回事啊?  - 芭比 我说了让你在梦之屋里面等啊
      [00:46.57]- What are you doing with my friends?  - Get in. - 你把我的朋友们怎么了?  - 进去吧
      [00:49.99]- Barbie, wait.  - Don’t touch me! - 芭比 等等  - 别碰我!
      [00:53.16]- We’re through!  - Barbie, I... - 我们之间完了  - 芭比 我...
      [00:57.43]- And give me my scarf back.  - Ow! - 把我的围巾还给我  - 噢!
      [01:01.38]- Lightyear, explain our overnight accommodations.  - Sir. Yes, sir. - 巴斯光年 给他们说下夜宿的规矩  - 是 长官
      [01:06.11]Prisoners sleep in their cells. Any prisoner caught outside their cell, spends the night in the box. 囚犯必须睡在自己的囚房 一旦被抓到跑出囚房 就关在盒子里面过夜
      [01:11.62]Roll call at dusk and dawn. 傍晚和清晨各点一次名
      [01:13.85]Any prisoner misses roll call, spends the night in the box. 点名不到 就关在盒子里面过夜
      [01:17.78]Prisoners do not speak unless spoken to. 除非长官问话 否则囚犯禁止说话
      [01:20.96]Any prisoner talks back, spends the night... 顶嘴的囚犯 就关在...
      [01:24.08]In the box. We get it! 盒子里面过夜 知道了!
      [01:26.27]At ease, soldier. They’re neutralized. 冷静 他们已经知道了
      [01:29.20]But remember, they’ll say anything to make you doubt yourself. 但是切记 他们会花言巧语 让你怀疑自己

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      玩具总动员      
