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时间:2014-09-03 21:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:33.98]And you didnt believe him! 而你却不相信他! [03:34.86]- Hey, you didnt believe him first. - Guys, we gotta, we gotta go home! - 嘿 是你先怀疑的 - 伙计们 我们要 我们要回家! [03:41.38]- Lotso! - Hey there. Ho
  •   [03:33.98]And you didn’t believe him! 而你却不相信他!
      [03:34.86]- Hey, you didn’t believe him first.  - Guys, we gotta, we gotta go home! - 嘿 是你先怀疑的  - 伙计们 我们要 我们要回家!
      [03:41.38]- Lotso!  - Hey there. How are you all doing this fine evening? - 抱抱熊!  - 嘿 大家好 这么美好的夜晚 大家都好吗?
      [03:45.66]- Thank goodness. Have you seen Buzz?  - There’s been a mistake. We have to go. - 谢天谢地 你看到巴斯了吗?  - 我们弄错了 我们必须离开
      [03:50.54]Go? Why? You just got here, in the nick of time too. 离开? 为什么? 你们才来没多久啊 再说 这里很需要你们啊
      [03:54.53]We were running low on volunteers for the little ones. 我们现在急缺陪岁数小的孩子们玩的志愿者
      [03:57.89]They just love new toys, now don’t they? 他们真的很爱新玩具 不是吗?
      [04:00.99]Love? We have been chewed, kicked, drooled on... 爱? 他们对我们又是嚼 又是踢 又是吐口水...
      [04:03.94]Just look at my pocket book. 看看我记的笔记吧
      [04:06.83]Hmm, well here’s the thing, Sweet Potato, you ain’t leaving Sunnyside. 嗯 事情是这样的 甜蛋头 你们是不可能离开阳光幼儿园的
      [04:11.26]Sweet Potato? Who do you think you’re talking to? 甜蛋头? 你以为你是在跟谁说话呢?
      [04:14.94]I have over 30 accessories and I deserve more respect... 我有30个以上的配件 我应该得到足够的尊重...
      [04:19.46]Ah, that’s better. 啊 这样好点了
      [04:21.80]Hey! No one takes my wife’s mouth, except me! 嘿! 除了我 谁也不能碰我老婆的嘴巴!
      [04:24.62]Give it back, you furry air freshener! 还给她 你这个浑身是毛的家伙!
      [04:26.79]- Come on guys. We’re going home.  - Whoa, there Missy!  You’re not going anywhere. - 伙伴们 走吧 我们回家  - 哇 等等 小姐! 你哪里也别想去
      [04:32.11]Oh yeah? Who’s going to stop us? 哦 是吗? 试试看啊?
      [04:35.87]Buzz, you’re back. Buzz? 巴斯 你终于回来了 巴斯 你怎么了?
      [04:42.88]Watch out! 当心!
      [04:50.79]Prisoners disabled, Commander Lotso. 囚犯全部搞定 抱抱熊长官
      [04:52.86]- Buzz, what are you doing?  - Silence. Minions of Zurg. - 巴斯 你这是干什么啊?  - 肃静 扎克的狗腿们
      [04:55.49]- You are in the custody of the Galactic Alliance.  - Galactic Alliance? - 你们现在被星际联盟拘留  - 星际联盟?
      [04:59.41]Good work, Lightyear. Now lock ’em up. 做得好 巴斯光年 把他们关起来

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      玩具总动员      
