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时间:2014-09-03 21:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:39.22]A family man, huh? I understand. 一个很爱家的男人啊? 我明白了 [01:42.41]Put him back in the timeout chair. 把他放回椅子上去 [01:46.27]Unhand me! 放开我! [01:49.12]Bring in the bookworm. 把书虫叫来 [01:
  •   [01:39.22]A family man, huh? I understand. 一个很爱家的男人啊? 我明白了
      [01:42.41]Put him back in the timeout chair. 把他放回椅子上去
      [01:46.27]Unhand me! 放开我!
      [01:49.12]Bring in the bookworm. 把书虫叫来
      [01:53.49]Ah! Here it is. It was filed under "Lightyear". 啊! 在这里 它归档在"光年"里
      [02:03.64]Let’s see here... Accessories, Maintenance... 我看看... 配件 维修...
      [02:08.34]Oh, here we go. Remove screws to access battery compartment. 哦 找到了 拆掉螺丝 找到电池槽
      [02:12.31]What are you doing? 你们要干什么?
      [02:14.74]Let go of me. 放开我
      [02:16.72]To return your Buzz Lightyear action figure back to its original factory settings, 要把你的巴斯光年重设成出厂设置
      [02:22.40]slide the switch from ’Play’ to ’Demo’. 将按钮从"使用"拨向"演示"
      [02:26.50]Stop! No, no, no! 快停下来! 不 不要啊!
      [02:30.97]- What was that?  - Sounds like it came from the hall. - 什么声音?  - 像是从大厅传来的
      [02:34.53]I’ll see what it was. 我去看看怎么回事
      [02:37.76]- What do you see? Anything?  - No, just a dark hallway. - 看到什么了? 有人吗?  - 没有 只看到漆黑的走廊
      [02:41.84]- Wait, wait, I see Andy.  - What? - 等等 我看到安迪了  - 什么?
      [02:46.20]- That’s impossible.  - No, no. I really see him. - 不可能  - 不 不 我真的看到他了
      [02:49.42]In his room. Ohh! My other eye! 在他的房间里 哦! 是我的另外一只眼睛!
      [02:52.22]The one I left behind! 是我落在家的那只眼睛看到的!
      [02:55.74]This is so weird. He’s packing up. 真奇怪 他在收拾行李呢
      [02:59.41]Uh oh. Here comes Buster. Out of the way. Get away! 啊哦 巴斯特过来了 让开 让开!
      [03:05.84]Ok. Andy’s out in the hall. 好了 安迪在走廊上
      [03:08.42]He’s looking in the attic. Wait, there’s mom. 他往阁楼里面看呢 等等 他妈妈出现了
      [03:12.67]Why is he so upset? 他好像看起来在找什么东西?
      [03:15.43]Oh no. Oh, this is terrible! 哦 不 哦 天哪 不会吧!
      [03:19.06]He’s looking for us. Andy’s looking for us. 他在找我们 安迪在找我们呢
      [03:23.39]He’s looking for us? 他在找我们?
      [03:26.56]- Andy does want us! I just knew it!  - I think he did mean to put us in the attic. - 我就知道! 安迪不会丢下我们的!  - 我想 他确实是想把我们放进阁楼去
      [03:30.79]- Well, then Woody was telling the truth.  - Holy cow! - 这么说 伍迪说得是实话  - 天啊!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      玩具总动员      
