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时间:2014-09-03 21:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:08.79]Reach for the sky. 一飞冲天 [00:12.79]Bluebells, cockleshells, eeny, miney... 风铃草 海扇壳 点兵 点将... [00:22.42]Youre my favorite deputy. 你是我最好的副手 [00:25.74]- Bonnie! - Coming! - Bonnie! - 来了!
  •   [00:08.79]Reach for the sky. 一飞冲天
      [00:12.79]Bluebells, cockleshells, eeny, miney... 风铃草 海扇壳 点兵 点将...
      [00:22.42]You’re my favorite deputy. 你是我最好的副手
      [00:25.74]- Bonnie!  - Coming! - Bonnie!  - 来了!
      [00:31.67]Oh, great! 这下好了!
      [00:44.42]- Oh, it’s gonna be ok, Bull’s-eye.  - Woody’s going to college with Andy. - 哦 没事的 红心  - 伍迪会跟着安迪去大学
      [00:48.62]- It’s what he always wanted.  - Ah, he’s crazy. - 那正是他所期望的  - 啊 他疯了
      [00:50.79]- College is no place for a toy. - Toys are for playtime. - 大学容不下一个玩具  - 玩具是为玩耍而生的
      [00:53.84]Oh speaking about playtime... They’re lining up out there! 说到玩耍... 他们在排队了!
      [00:57.13]- How many?  - There must be dozens. - 有多少人?  - 好几十人
      [00:58.83]- Oh, I can hardly wait!  - Places, everyone. - 我迫不及待了!  - 大家各就各位
      [01:16.52]At last I’m going to get played with. 终于有人玩我了
      [01:19.34]- Uh Rex...  - Come to Poppa. - 抱抱龙呀... - 到这儿来
      [02:15.43]There’s a snake in my boot. 我靴子里有条蛇
      [02:18.47]I’d like to join your posse boys, but first I’m gonna sing a little song. 小伙子们 我愿意加入你们的队伍 但首先我要唱一首歌
      [02:22.82]A sheriff! 一个警长!
      [02:26.06]Move over, Mr. Prickle Pants.  We have a guest. 让开点 刺头裤子先生 有客人来了
      [02:29.49]You want some coffee? 想要点咖啡吗?
      [02:31.51]It’s good for you but don’t drink too much or you’ll have a .. have a ... 适量饮用对你有益 一旦过量 你就会... 就会...
      [02:35.81]Be right back! 马上回来!
      [02:39.45]- Hey. Hello. Hi, excuse me.  - Sh! - 嘿 你好 请问  - 嘘!
      [02:42.58]- Can you tell me where I am?  - Shhh! - 请告诉我这是哪儿?  - 嘘!
      [02:44.69]- The guy’s just asking you a question.  - Well, excuse me, I’m trying  to stay in character. - 人家问你哪  - 不好意思 我只是不想跳戏
      [02:50.20]- My name’s Buttercup. You’ve met Baron Von Shush.  - Sh! - 我叫小奶油 他是刺猬先生  - 嘘!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      玩具总动员      
