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时间:2014-09-03 21:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:34.63]Andy! 安迪! [03:38.75]Thats not trash. Thats not trash! 那不是垃圾 那不是垃圾! [03:41.18]Think, Woody. Think, think, think. 想想办法 伍迪 想想办法 想想办法 [03:44.11]Buster, come here boy. Come here. 巴斯
  •   [03:34.63]Andy! 安迪!
      [03:38.75]That’s not trash. That’s not trash! 那不是垃圾 那不是垃圾!
      [03:41.18]Think, Woody. Think, think, think. 想想办法 伍迪 想想办法 想想办法
      [03:44.11]Buster, come here boy. Come here. 巴斯特 过来宝贝 过来
      [03:52.79]Ok boy, to the curb. Heeyah! 好的 宝贝 到路边去 驾!
      [03:58.05]No, Buster! No! 不 巴斯特! 不要!
      [04:02.80]Get up, Buster. 起来 巴斯特
      [04:20.45]- We’re on the curb!  - Oh, I knew it come to this. - 我们在路边了!  - 哦 我就知道会这样
      [04:23.00]Pull everyone! Pull! 大家用力拉! 拉!
      [04:34.76]It won’t rip! 拉不开!
      [04:36.41]Oh for goodness ... It’s triple-ply, high-density polyethylene. 哦 天哪... 有三层塑料袋 高密度聚乙烯的
      [04:39.67]- There’s gotta be a way out.  - Oh Andy doesn’t want us. What’s the point? - 一定有办法出去的  - 哦 安迪不要我们了 还有什么意义?
      [04:42.81]Point, point, point! 有意义 有意义 有意义!
      [04:47.48]- Push! Push!  - I can hear the garbage truck! - 拉! 拉!  - 我能听到垃圾车的声音!
      [04:51.80]It’s getting closer. 越来越近了
      [00:30.66]Buzz! Jessie! 巴斯! 翠丝!
      [00:41.56]- Andy threw us out.  - Like we were garbage.  - 安迪把我们扔出去了  - 把我们当成垃圾一样
      [00:43.40]Junk. He called us junk. 破烂 他叫我们破烂
      [00:45.47]How could he? 他怎么能这样?
      [00:47.74]- This doesn’t make any sense.  - I should have seen this coming. - 这没道理啊  - 我应该预料到的
      [00:51.54]- It’s Emily all over again.  - The Sarge was right. - 这是Emily的翻版   - 警长是对的
      [00:54.41]- Yeah and Woody was wrong.  - Wait a minute. Hold on. This is no time to be hysterical. - 是的 伍迪错了  - 等一下 等等 现在没时间歇斯底里
      [00:58.26]- It’s the perfect time to be hysterical.  - Should we be hysterical? - 这正是该歇斯底里的时候  - 我们应该歇斯底里吗?
      [01:01.64]- No. Yes.  - Maybe, but not now. - 不 没错  - 也许 现在不是时候
      [01:05.33]Yee haw! Fellas, I know what to do. 耶 呃! 伙计们 我知道该怎么办了
      [01:14.82]What the heck? 搞什么鬼?
      [01:17.12]- Oh, we should have done this years ago.  - Jessie wait. What about Woody? - 哦 我们早就该这样做的  - 翠丝 等等 伍迪怎么办?
      [01:20.71]He’s fine, Buzz. Andy’s taking him to college. 他没事的 巴斯 安迪要带他去大学
      [01:23.56]Now, we need to go. 现在 我们得走了
      [01:26.60]You’re right. Come on. 你说的对 来吧
      [01:29.00]- Buzz?  - Woody.   - 巴斯?  - 伍迪

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      玩具总动员      
