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时间:2014-08-24 22:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:03.51]Danny, why are you laughing so much 丹尼, 你为什么觉的这么好笑 [00:06.26]Because these are names of horses Dont that make you laugh? 因为这些是马的名字 你不觉的好笑嘛 [00:09.14]Im just crazy about these
  •   [00:03.51]Danny, why are you laughing so much 丹尼, 你为什么觉的这么好笑
      [00:06.26]Because these are names of horses Don't that make you laugh? 因为这些是马的名字  你不觉的好笑嘛
      [00:09.14]I"m just crazy about these horses' names. Look at this one here 我只是很喜欢这些马的名字  看看这个
      [00:13.81]"Happy Hoofers" 高兴的舞蹈家
      [00:19.02]Listen to this 听听这个
      [00:20.69]"Sassy Lassy" 时髦的少女
      [00:24.78]And this one 这个
      [00:26.07]"Red Hot Mama" 泼辣妈妈
      [00:30.95]What's a mama, Danny? 丹尼, 妈妈是什么
      [00:34.54]A mama? 妈妈
      [00:36.91]A mama's a horse 妈妈是一种马
      [00:39.83]A horse? 一种马
      [00:41.08]Racehorse 赛马
      [00:42.34]Matter of fact, you know what I say Mama's the best horse in the world? 事实上  妈妈是世上最好的马
      [00:47.09]Thoroughbred You bet on a mama, you always win 如果你在一个纯种的妈妈马上下注  你总会赢
      [00:51.43]"Tano D'Amato 塔诺·迪·阿马托
      [00:56.22]The King of Lemons" 雷蒙斯国王
      [00:59.39]Dad, put your finger here and read 爸爸  把你的手放在这读
      [01:02.65]T.D. doesn't mean "Thanks, Danny" T.D. 不是谢谢丹尼的意思
      [01:08.90]Who's this pansy ass? 这个变态是谁
      [01:10.40]That's enough reading for tonight 今晚就读这些吧
      [01:12.57]Too much reading is bad for you 读太多了对你来说不好
      [01:15.07]What else is bad, Danny? 还有什么不好  丹尼
      [01:18.24]Everything off the Virginian is bad 弗吉尼亚船下的一切都是不好的
      [01:23.25]Everything 一切

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
