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时间:2014-08-24 22:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:25.04]They got sharks on the land they eat you alive 陆地上有鲨鱼会活吃你 [01:27.63]You keep away from they, you hear? 离他们远点 听见了嘛 [01:28.92]Danny, whats an orphanage? 丹尼 什么是孤儿院 [01:32.67]Well,
  •   [01:25.04]They got sharks on the land they eat you alive 陆地上有鲨鱼会活吃你
      [01:27.63]You keep away from they, you hear? 离他们远点  听见了嘛
      [01:28.92]Danny, what's an orphanage? 丹尼  什么是孤儿院
      [01:32.67]Well, a orphanage is like a great big prison 孤儿院就像一个大的监狱
      [01:36.93]where they lock up folks that ain't got kids 没孩子的人都会被关在里面
      [01:39.10]So if I wasn't with you they would put you in an orphanage? 如果我不和你在一起你就会进孤儿院嘛
      [01:45.31]You got that right, little Lemon 你说的对  小雷蒙
      [01:47.77]Night-night 晚安
      [02:24.30]Watch out, Danny 小心点  丹尼
      [02:38.02]Roll over. Roll him over 把他翻过来  把他翻过来
      [02:40.69]My God. Doctor 我的天  医生
      [02:44.11]Call the doctor. Get the doctor 快叫医生  快叫医生
      [02:47.62]Danny, you bloody cow. Talk to me 丹尼  你流血了  跟我说话
      [02:51.20]Ain't nothing but a pat on the back, boys 没什么大事  就像个蚊子一样
      [02:55.04]"Holy Shoot... 该死
      [02:58.59]and Times Were Good 时间正好
      [03:05.22]was disqualified 没有权限
      [03:10.10]"Saucy Bossy" 漂亮的小牛
      [03:13.72]It took him three days to go toes up, old Danny 他挺了三天才死去  老丹尼
      [03:18.40]He let go on the sixth race in Chicago 他下葬那天"饮用水"第六次在芝加哥获胜
      [03:22.15]Drinkable Water by two lengths over Vegetable Soup 超过了"菜汤"两个身位
      [03:25.78]and five over Blue Foudation 超过了"蓝基金"五个身位
      [03:29.11]"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death 是的  我走过了死亡阴影的峡谷
      [03:32.41]I will fear no evil for Thou art with me 我不会怕身边的魔鬼
      [03:35.24]Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me" 你的朋友们照顾我
      [03:37.62]"Thanks Danny" 谢谢丹尼
      [03:42.88]In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost 以父亲和儿子以及圣灵的名义

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
