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时间:2014-08-24 22:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:27.48]This one they left in first class on top the piano 这个孩子被遗弃在头等舱的钢琴上 [01:30.60]They are hoping some rich guy will come 他们希望有钱人能来 [01:32.73]and stick a silver spoon in his mouth 给他喂
  •   [01:27.48]This one they left in first class on top the piano 这个孩子被遗弃在头等舱的钢琴上
      [01:30.60]They are hoping some rich guy will come 他们希望有钱人能来
      [01:32.73]and stick a silver spoon in his mouth 给他喂个金勺子
      [01:35.23]And who does the little ape get instead? 然而谁捡到了这个孩子呢
      [01:37.40]A poor coal stoker 一个穷煤矿工
      [01:39.82]Someoe is taking you for a sucker, Danny 有人把你当奶妈了  丹尼
      [01:44.58]They have the fun You have the misery 他们快乐了  你却痛苦了
      [01:47.54]Fuck poverty 该死的穷人
      [01:49.91]You stinking sewer rats 你们这些讨厌的褐家鼠
      [01:52.46]T.D. was wrote on that box. Any of you shitheads know what that means? T.D 写在那个盒子上  你们这帮白痴知道那是什么意思嘛
      [01:56.13]I forgot. You all can't read 我忘了  你们都不识字
      [01:58.51]It means, "Thanks, Danny." "Thanks, Danny" 意思就是  谢谢丹尼  谢谢丹尼
      [02:00.97]They left him for me and I'm gonna keep him 他们是给我留着的  我要把他养大
      [02:02.80]Rest of you all can go fuck yourselves 你们去死吧
      [02:04.68]Danny, what are you going to call the nino? 丹尼  你打算给他叫他什么
      [02:10.06]Hell, I ain't think about that 该死  我没想到这个
      [02:14.31]To start off I'm going to name him after me 我打算以我的名字命名
      [02:16.81]Danny Boodman 丹尼 博德曼
      [02:18.82]Then I'll put "T.D." in the middle T.D. 是中间名
      [02:20.36]Iike rich folks puts that in the middle, don't you think? 就像富人放在中间一样  你们说呢
      [02:24.49]That give it class, to put that in the middle, don't you think? 把名字放在中间他就是个富人了  你们觉的怎么样
      [02:26.95]All fucking lawyers gots initials in the middle of their names 所有的律师都有中间名字
      [02:30.83]Well, my lawyer was Jonathan PTK Wonder 我的律师叫乔纳森 PTK 旺德
      [02:34.16]My son grow up to be a lawyer I swear I'll kill him myself 如果我的孩子长大了是个律师我发誓我会亲手杀了他
      [02:37.67]But the boy's name is still going to be Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon 但是孩子的名字还是会叫丹尼 博德曼 T.D·雷蒙

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
