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时间:2014-08-24 22:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:11.50]And in the evenings, to temper the sting of loneliness, 晚上 能稍微抚平他孤独的刺痛的 [04:15.24]there was Martha Shaw. 则是玛莎肖 [04:17.81]Martha was a war widow 玛莎是个军妓 [04:19.61]who lived in Quail
  •   [04:11.50]And in the evenings, to temper the sting of loneliness,  晚上 能稍微抚平他孤独的刺痛的
      [04:15.24]there was Martha Shaw.  则是玛莎·肖
      [04:17.81]Martha was a war widow  玛莎是个军妓
      [04:19.61]who lived in Quail Ridge, a town away.  她住在另一个镇上
      [04:26.52]So you want to go out tomorrow?  你明天要出去?
      [04:29.29]I got to work.  我得工作
      [04:31.02]Well, we could down to the river if you want to.  好吧,如果你想的话 我们可以去划船
      [04:33.02]Next week, sometime.  下星期再说吧
      [04:34.83]Maybe we could take a drive somewhere?  或者开车出去转转?
      [04:36.53]No.  不
      [04:38.46]Well, I'm just asking you.  好吧 我只是问问而已
      [04:52.41]What do you want, Noah?  你想要什么,诺亚?
      [04:57.48]What do you mean, what do I want?  什么叫我想要什么?


      [00:01.92]From me.  从我这儿
      [00:08.83]Sometimes when you talk to me, you don't even see me.  有时,你和我说话的时候 根本就不看着我
      [00:16.53]Look, a woman knows when a man looks into her eyes  当你看着一个女人的眼睛 却看到其他人的时候
      [00:19.10]and sees someone else.  她会知道的
      [00:27.78]Now you know I want to give you all the things that you want,  你知道,我想给你 所有你想要的东西
      [00:32.38]right?  对吗?
      [00:37.96]But I can't,  可我做不到
      [00:39.62]because they're gone...  因为一切都没有了……
      [00:45.66]they're broken.  一切都破碎了
      [00:50.37]All right?  你懂了?
      [01:15.43]Is the veil too much?  面纱是不是太多了?
      [01:17.09]Are you kidding? You look perfect!  开玩笑 你看上去简直是太完美了!
      [01:19.20]You're the most beautiful bride.  你是最美的新娘
      [01:23.67]- You look gorgeous, honey. - Thank you.  - 你看上去光芒四射,宝贝 - 谢谢
      [01:26.27]Wait until Lon sees you in this dress, he's gonna go crazy.  待会儿隆看到你穿着这个 他一定会发疯的
      [01:30.27]He won't be able to take his eyes off you,  他的眼睛肯定一刻都离不开你
      [01:33.04]or his hands.  或者是他的手
      [01:34.28]Oh, you're bad!  哦,你太坏了!
      [01:35.98]Have you seen this morning's paper?  有没有看今天早上的报纸?
      [01:37.61]The "Daily Journal" says that you are going to be  日报上说 你将成为这一季的
      [01:39.72]- the social highlight of the season. - Of the season?  - 社交之星 - 这一季的?
      [01:42.99]This is gonna be a celebration the likes of which this town's never seen!  我们要在城里 举行一次史无前例的庆典!
      [01:47.12]She doesn't plan, she plots, doesn't she?  她早就预谋好了吧
      [01:51.33]- Mama, look, the Governor's coming. - He better. Let me see.  - 妈妈,看哪,地方长官也要来  - 是吗,让我看看
      [01:58.24]Oh, boy.  哦,孩子

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
