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时间:2014-08-24 22:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:37.54]When Noahs father died in November, 诺亚的父亲在11月去世之后 [02:39.91]the house was all he had. 他唯一拥有的就只有这套房子了 [02:41.68]He leadeth me down... [03:01.90]In time, Noah finished the house. 终于
  •   [02:37.54]When Noah's father died in November,  诺亚的父亲在11月去世之后
      [02:39.91]the house was all he had.  他唯一拥有的就只有这套房子了
      [02:41.68]He leadeth me down...
      [03:01.90]In time, Noah finished the house.  终于,诺亚把房子建好了
      [03:04.94]Okay, smile. Here we go.  好的,笑一笑 我要拍了
      [03:09.11]He took a good look at what he had accomplished,  他好好看了一眼 他的作品
      [03:11.81]got rip-roaring drunk for 10 days,  然后喝了10天酒 喝得烂醉如泥
      [03:14.81]thought seriously about setting it on fire,  郑重考虑了一番 是不是要一把火把房子烧了
      [03:18.15]then finally put the house up for sale.  最后,决定把房子挂牌出售
      [03:20.32]I'm prepared to offer you this much.  我准备出这个价
      [03:24.12]He had a number of interested buyers,  有很多人对他的房子感兴趣
      [03:26.02]but he always found a reason not to sell it to them.  但他总是能找到不卖的理由
      [03:28.93]No.  不行
      [03:30.46]Either the bids were too low,  或者是因为出价太低
      [03:32.53]or if they met his asking price,  或者,即使出价达到了他的要求
      [03:34.87]he felt it was worth a lot more.  他又觉得应该值更多钱
      [03:37.50]It's a lot of money, but I'll take it.  这可是一大笔钱 不过我买下了
      [03:43.21]$50,000.  5万美元
      [03:45.08]- That's more than my asking price. - That's right.  - 比我的要价高 - 没错
      [03:48.05]It's a great deal more.  这种买卖上哪儿找去
      [03:54.22]He told the man that offered him $5,000 over his price  他告诉这个多出了5千美元的人
      [03:57.86]that no one in his right mind would do that  说没有哪个脑子正常的人会这么做
      [04:00.86]and he wouldn't have a lunatic living in his house.  还说他不会让一个疯子住在他的房子里
      [04:05.86]He worked out his frustration with life on the creek every morning.  他每天早上都在小河上消磨时光

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
