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时间:2014-08-24 22:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:45.40]- God. - Hey! - 上帝啊 - 嗨! [00:52.50]Watch it, screwball! 看着点,混球! [00:54.07]What are you doing? 你在干嘛? [00:55.84]Hey! 嗨! [00:57.74]How old is your daughter now? 你女儿现在多大了? [00:59
  •   [00:45.40]- God. - Hey!  - 上帝啊 - 嗨!
      [00:52.50]Watch it, screwball!  看着点,混球!
      [00:54.07]What are you doing?  你在干嘛?
      [00:55.84]Hey!  嗨!
      [00:57.74]How old is your daughter now?  你女儿现在多大了?
      [00:59.41]- Well, you mind. - He's right over there.  - 你好 - 他就在那边
      [01:20.33]Baby, hello.  宝贝,你好
      [01:31.81]- Oh! - Hold it.  - 噢! - 当心
      [01:38.88]Oh, come with it.  哦,让我握着你
      [01:46.92]After seeing Allie that day,  自从那天见到艾丽之后
      [01:48.79]something inside Noah snapped.  诺亚受了很大的打击
      [01:52.30]He got the notion into his head  他脑子里有个想法
      [01:53.93]that if he restored the old house  如果他把那幢房子重新建好
      [01:55.53]where they had come that night,
      [01:57.90]Allie would find a way to come back to him.  艾丽就会回到他身边
      [02:01.54]Some called it a labor of love.  有人说他是为爱而奋斗
      [02:03.81]Others called it something else.  还有人有别的说法
      [02:06.11]But in fact, Noah had gone a little mad.  但是实际上 诺亚已经变得有些疯狂
      [02:10.31]- Excuse me. - Would--  打扰一下
      [02:12.98]It's time to eat.  该吃饭了
      [02:14.69]Lunch will be served in the Sun Room today.  今天的午饭准备在太阳厅
      [02:19.36]The melon is good. I had a bite.  这瓜不错 我尝了一口
      [02:23.23]Did they ever see each other again?  他们有没有再见面?
      [02:25.76]Noah and Allie?  诺亚和艾丽
      [02:28.07]Now you don't want me to spoil the end of the story  在我讲到故事出现转机之前
      [02:30.57]before I get to the good part, do you?  你不希望我破坏这个故事的结局 对吧?
      [02:33.57]Where did I leave off?  上次讲到哪儿了?
      [02:35.84]I shall not want.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
