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时间:2014-08-24 22:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:18.41]Between that and your Gl Bill, you ought to be able to get it now. 有了这笔钱,再加上你的士兵补贴 你应该能买得起了 [04:22.35]- Get what? - Your dream house. - 买得起什么? - 你梦想中的房子啊 [0
  •   [04:18.41]Between that and your Gl Bill, you ought to be able to get it now.  有了这笔钱,再加上你的士兵补贴 你应该能买得起了
      [04:22.35]- Get what? - Your dream house.  - 买得起什么? - 你梦想中的房子啊
      [04:24.32]- The Windsor Plantation. - Dad--  - 温莎种植园 - 爸爸……
      [04:25.72]Now, don't Dad me, I don't want to hear about it.  哦别来这套 现在我不想听这些
      [04:27.89]I already talked to the bank, they're gonna give you the loan.  我已经和银行谈过了 他们答应给你贷款
      [04:31.49]- Well, I can't let you sell your house. - It's done.  - 可我不能让你把房子卖了 - 已经卖了
      [04:35.36]It's a good thing. You should do it.  这是件好事 你应该这么做
      [04:44.47]Wait a second. You sell the house, where are you gonna live?  等一下,你把房子卖了 你自己住哪儿?
      [04:47.51]With you, dummy, what do you think?  和你一起住啊,笨蛋 你觉得呢?
      [04:49.11]Somebody's got to help you fix it up.  总得有人帮你来修整这套房子
      [05:00.18]Noah took a look at the house,  诺亚看了一眼房子


      [00:02.32]but only saw one thing--  但只看到了一样东西——
      [00:04.86]Allie.  艾丽
      [00:07.19]He decided right there to fulfill his life-long dream.  他当即决定 实现这个一辈子的梦想
      [00:10.56]He would rebuild the old house from the ground up.  他要从头开始重建这套老房子
      [00:17.10]And when Noah went to Charleston to get the building plans approved,  当诺亚去查尔斯顿 申请批准建造计划的时候
      [00:22.21]fate stepped in and dealt him a sweet card.  命运又一次捉弄了他
      [00:33.08]Stop the bus! Stop the bus.  停车,停车!
      [00:36.02]Sorry, Mac, I can't stop the bus until I get to the depot.  对不起老兄 不到站不能停车
      [00:38.29]No, no, no, please stop the bus now. Please!  不,不 麻烦你现在就停车,求你了!
      [00:40.46]Do you understand English, pal?  你听不懂我在说什么吗?
      [00:42.06]No one gets off till we get to the depot. Now sit down.  不到站,谁都不能下车 给我坐下

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
