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时间:2014-08-24 22:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:00.18]I still ask myself if I did the right thing 我还在问自已是否做的对 [00:03.31]when I abandoned his floating city 当我离开了他漂泊的城市 [00:06.73]And I dont mean only for the work 我指的不仅是工作 [00:
  •   [00:00.18]I still ask myself if I did the right thing 我还在问自已是否做的对
      [00:03.31]when I abandoned his floating city 当我离开了他漂泊的城市
      [00:06.73]And I don't mean only for the work 我指的不仅是工作
      [00:10.94]fact is, a friend like that a real friend 事实是  那样才是真正的朋友
      [00:16.78]you won't meet one again 你再也不会见到他这样的人
      [00:19.99]If you just decide to hang up your sea legs 如果你不想出海
      [00:23.74]if you just want to feel something more solid beneath your feet 如果你只想站在陆地上
      [00:29.46]and if then you no loner hear the music of the gods around you 如果你不再想听见天籁之音
      [00:36.42]But, like he used to say 但是  像他常说过的一样
      [00:39.88]You're never really done for as long as you got a good story 只要你有个好故事  你就永远不会被人忘记
      [00:44.97]and someone to tell it to 一个值得告诉别人的故事
      [00:49.64]Trouble is 可问题是
      [00:52.31]nobody'd believe a single word of my story 没人相信我的故事
      [01:23.51]It happened every time 每次都是这样
      [01:26.38]Someone would look up and see her 某人一抬头就看到她
      [01:30.01]It's difficult to understand 很难理解
      [01:32.64]There'd be more than a thousand of us on that ship 那船上有上千人
      [01:36.73]Traveling rich folks, immigrants and strange people, and us 有富人  移民  陌生人和我们
      [01:42.57]Yet there was always one 但是总会有一个人
      [01:45.11]One guy alone who would see her first 一眼就看到她的单身汉
      [01:50.61]Maybe he was just sitting there eating or walking on the deck 或许他只是坐在那吃东西或是在甲板上散步
      [01:55.54]Maybe he was just fixing his pants 或许他正在缝补裤子
      [02:00.08]He'd look up for a second. A quick glance out to sea and he'd see her 他抬起头  很快地向海上望去  便看到了她
      [02:04.84]Then he'd just stand there rooted to the spot, his heart racing 他的脚像生了根  心也悸动不安
      [02:10.30]And every time every damn time, I swear 每次  每一次  我发誓
      [02:16.18]he'd turn to us, towards the ship towards everybody and scream 他转向我  冲着船朝着每个人大喊
      [02:22.44]America 美国

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      海上钢琴师      
