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时间:2014-08-19 17:50来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:58.18]Oh, thats lovely, dear. 哦,这很有意思,亲爱的 [00:59.71]Thank you. 谢谢 [01:01.45]If you dont mind my asking, uh, how much do you make at your job? 恕我冒昧问一句 你的收入有多少? [01:04.02]Uh, how muc
  •   [00:58.18]Oh, that's lovely, dear.  哦,这很有意思,亲爱的
      [00:59.71]Thank you.  谢谢
      [01:01.45]If you don't mind my asking, uh, how much do you make at your job?  恕我冒昧问一句 你的收入有多少?
      [01:04.02]Uh, how much money do I make?  呃,我挣多少钱?
      [01:05.85]Mm-hmm.  对
      [01:07.79]About 40 cents an hour.  大约每小时40美分
      [01:13.03]Yeah, it's not much, but I don't need a lot.  不是很多 不过我也不需要很多
      [01:16.00]And l-- I save most of it.  而且我…… 还能积攒下好多
      [01:19.93]Let's eat. Shall we?  我们吃东西吧,好吗?
      [01:21.50]Yes! Oh, it looks delicious.  说的对! 哦,看上去很好吃的样子
      [01:27.11]So Noah, you and Allie have been spending a lot of time together.  诺亚,你和艾丽每天都有很长时间在一起
      [01:32.01]You must be very fond of each other.  你们肯定很喜欢对方
      [01:36.28]It's getting pretty serious, huh?  你们越来越认真了,是吧?
      [01:38.65]Yes, ma'am.  是的,女士
      [01:40.42]Well, summer's almost gone. What will you do?  那么,夏天就要过去了 你准备怎么办?
      [01:44.69]You know, Charleston's only a couple of hours away.  查尔斯顿离这儿开车也就是几个小时
      [01:49.50]But Allie's going to Sarah Lawrence.  但是艾丽要去萨拉·劳伦斯大学读书了
      [01:53.40]Didn't she tell you?  她没告诉你吗?
      [01:55.00]No, she didn't tell me that.  不,没有,跟我说说
      [01:59.47]I just got the letter. I was going to tell you.  我刚拿到信 正准备要告诉你
      [02:01.74]It's okay.  没关系
      [02:04.41]And Sarah Lawrence is in New York.  萨拉·劳伦斯在纽约
      [02:10.52]I didn't know that.  我不知道
      [02:13.05]Anne, this conversation's too stuffy for the dinner table.  安妮,在餐桌上不要谈论 这个话题了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
