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时间:2014-08-19 17:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.09]Becoming friendly with that boy down there. 最近和那个男孩交往很多吗 [00:06.76]Yes. 是的 [00:09.20]Bring him to the house on Sunday. 星期天带他来我们家 [00:10.83]I want to meet this young man. 我想见见这个
  •   [00:02.09]Becoming friendly with that boy down there.  最近和那个男孩交往很多吗
      [00:06.76]Yes.  是的
      [00:09.20]Bring him to the house on Sunday.  星期天带他来我们家
      [00:10.83]I want to meet this young man.  我想见见这个年轻人
      [00:12.83]Okay.  好的
      [00:15.64]Good night, Daddy.  晚安,爸爸
      [00:16.84]Good night.  晚安
      [00:25.65]Oh, boy.  哦,孩子
      [00:26.85]This bug goes "Daddy, I don't understand."  小虫子说:“爸爸,我不懂。”
      [00:28.65]He goes, "Well, in theory, we're both millionaires, but in reality,  他说:“嗯,理论上, 我们都是百万富翁,但是实际上
      [00:33.12]we live with a bunch of whores."  我们和一堆妓女住在一起。”
      [00:39.13]Bishop Stevens told me that.  这个笑话是史蒂文斯主教告诉我的
      [00:40.73]Olivier, please remove the-- the liquor decanter from in front of my husband.  奥利维尔,请把酒瓶从我丈夫面前拿走
      [00:44.36]I think he's had a little too much to drink.  我想他喝得有点太多了
      [00:45.80]- I don't get it. - Pay attention.  - 我没听懂 - 注意
      [00:48.50]So, what do you do, Noah?  诺亚,你是做什么的?
      [00:51.10]I work at the lumber yard with Fin.  我和费在木材场工作
      [00:54.01]Mainly milling and receiving logs-- and stripping the bark.  主要是把原木砍伐下来 然后运回来剥皮

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      恋恋笔记本      
