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时间:2014-08-11 21:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:34.37]traveling down a very long road 踏上了爱情的漫漫长路 [03:37.14]with no regard for the consequences. 没有考虑任何后果 [03:39.37]They fell in love, didnt they? 他们相爱了,对吧? [03:41.11]- Yes, they did.
  •   [03:34.37]traveling down a very long road  踏上了爱情的漫漫长路
      [03:37.14]with no regard for the consequences.  没有考虑任何后果
      [03:39.37]They fell in love, didn't they?  他们相爱了,对吧?
      [03:41.11]- Yes, they did. - Good.  - 是的 - 真好
      [03:43.18]I like this kind of story. Go on.  我喜欢这种故事 继续
      [03:51.32]After that night,  那晚之后
      [03:52.82]Allie and Noah spent every waking hour together.  艾丽和诺亚几乎每天都在一起
      [03:56.06]And soon they were inseparable.  很快,他们就形影不离了
      [03:58.79]- Noah, come on. - Your boat cannot beat me there.  - 诺亚,快 - 你的船快不过我的
      [04:11.80]- That's really nice. - Mmm, mmm, mmm...  - 真是太爽了 - 唔,唔,唔……
      [04:24.18]"Beautiful dripping fragments.
      [04:26.05]The negligent list
      [04:27.79]of one after another,
      [04:30.02]as I happen to call them to me.
      [04:32.43]Or drink to them.
      [04:34.33]The real poems, what we call poems,
      [04:36.46]being merely pictures. The poems of the privacy of the night.
      [04:39.83]And of men like me.
      [04:42.84]This poem, drooping shy and unseen,
      [04:45.10]that I always carry. And that all men carry."
      [04:48.34]Not bad for Whitman.  惠特曼的诗,真不错
      [04:50.61]Hey, look, we got a visitor.  瞧,来了个观众
      [04:53.31]I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.  对不起,打扰了
      [04:56.18]Well, don't apologize, come on up here, darling.  哪儿的话 亲爱的,上来吧
      [04:59.12]We could use a little something here besides the smell of lumber.  我们可以在这儿吃点东西 如果你不介意木头的味道的话

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
