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时间:2014-08-11 21:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:54.07]Not supposed to dance in the middle of the street. 马路中间可不能跳舞 [01:56.70]Who said dance in the street? 谁规定不准在马路中间跳舞的? [01:59.84]And we dont have any music. 可没有音乐伴奏啊 [02:0
  •   [01:54.07]Not supposed to dance in the middle of the street.  马路中间可不能跳舞
      [01:56.70]Who said dance in the street?  谁规定不准在马路中间跳舞的?
      [01:59.84]And we don't have any music.  可没有音乐伴奏啊
      [02:01.51]Well, we'll make some.  那我们就自己搞点音乐出来
      [02:12.55]◎ Bum bum ◎
      [02:15.39]◎ Bum bum bum ◎
      [02:17.09]◎ Bum ◎
      [02:18.99]◎ Bum bum ◎
      [02:21.16]◎ Bum bum bum bum bum. ◎
      [02:23.26]You're a terrible singer.  你唱得可真差劲
      [02:25.27]I know.  我知道
      [02:28.54]But I like this song.  不过我喜欢这首歌
      [02:30.34]◎ I'll be seeing you ◎  ◎ 每日每夜 ◎
      [02:37.14]◎ In all the old ◎  ◎ 我都会等你 ◎
      [02:40.38]◎ Familiar places ◎  ◎ 在那些我无法忘怀的 ◎
      [02:45.25]◎ That this heart of mine ◎  ◎ 所有熟悉的 ◎
      [02:49.02]◎ Embraces ◎  ◎ 老地方 ◎
      [02:52.83]◎ All day and through ◎  ◎ 等着你 ◎
      [03:00.03]◎ In that small cafe ◎  ◎ 在街角的咖啡小馆 ◎
      [03:07.91]◎ The park across the way ◎  ◎ 在对面的公园 ◎
      [03:15.82]◎ The children's carousel ◎  ◎ 在孩子们的游乐场 ◎
      [03:22.26]- ◎ The chestnut trees...◎ - Southern summers  - ◎ 在栗子树下…… ◎ - 南方的夏天
      [03:24.66]are indifferent to the trials of young love.  总是会孕育出青涩的爱情
      [03:26.93]- ◎ The wishing well ◎ - Armed with warnings and doubts,  - ◎ 在许愿井边 ◎ - 带着一丝紧张和犹豫
      [03:29.76]Noah and Allie gave a remarkably convincing portrayal of a boy and a girl  诺亚和艾丽 男孩和女孩

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
