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时间:2014-08-11 21:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.19]You dont do what you want. 你不去做你想做的事情 [00:12.13]Okay. 好吧 [00:30.88]What happens if a car comes? 要是车来了会怎么样? [00:32.89]- We die. - What? - 我们就死了 - 什么? [00:34.62]Just relax.
  •   [00:02.19]You don't do what you want.  你不去做你想做的事情
      [00:12.13]Okay.  好吧
      [00:30.88]What happens if a car comes?  要是车来了会怎么样?
      [00:32.89]- We die. - What?  - 我们就死了 - 什么?
      [00:34.62]Just relax. Just trust.  放松点 相信自己
      [00:36.59]You need to learn how to trust.  你要学会相信自己
      [00:40.73]Okay.  好吧
      [00:45.27]- Painting. - Hmm?  - 画画 - 嗯?
      [00:47.03]You asked me what I do for me.  你刚才不是问我喜欢做什么吗?
      [00:49.64]- What now? - I love to paint.  - 那现在呢? - 我喜欢画画
      [00:53.41]- Yeah? - Mm-hmm.  - 是吗? - 唔
      [00:56.64]Huh.  哈
      [00:58.75]Most of the time, I have all these thoughts bouncing around in my head.  大多数时候 我的脑子里都塞满了这些杂七杂八的事情
      [01:02.72]But with a brush in my hand,  但是只要一拿起画笔
      [01:06.05]the world just gets kinda quiet.  整个世界就好像安静下来了
      [01:16.90]Get out of the street!  别挡道!
      [01:27.41]Are you okay?  你没事吧?
      [01:31.14]Why are you laughing?  你笑什么?
      [01:36.55]Oh, that was fun.  哦,这太好玩了
      [01:43.39]Do you want to dance with me?  想不想和我跳舞?
      [01:46.79]Sure.  当然
      [01:50.80]- Now? - Mm-hmm.  - 现在吗? - 嗯
      [01:52.40]- Here? - Mm-hmm.  - 在这儿? - 嗯

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
