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时间:2014-08-11 21:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:39.67]I dont know, I mean all those things 怎么说呢 我的意思是,所有的那些事情 [03:41.31]are things you have to do, right? 都是你不得不去做的,对吧? [03:43.91]So what do you do because you want to? 那么因
  •   [03:39.67]I don't know, I mean all those things  怎么说呢 我的意思是,所有的那些事情
      [03:41.31]are things you have to do, right?  都是你不得不去做的,对吧?
      [03:43.91]So what do you do because you want to?  那么因为想做而去做的 有哪些事情呢?
      [03:47.81]I just told ya.  我刚才不是说了么
      [03:53.02]I don't know.  我不知道
      [03:54.72]This surprises me.  我很吃惊
      [03:57.26]Why?  为什么?
      [03:58.59]I just always figured you were kinda...  我一直认为你是那种……
      [04:02.10]Kinda what?  哪种?
      [04:03.93]Just...  就是……
      [04:07.27]- Free. - What?  - 自由的 - 什么?
      [04:10.14]Free.  自由的
      [04:13.94]I am free.  我是自由的
      [04:16.51]You don't seem like it.  可是看上去不像
      [04:19.31]Well, I am.  可我是的
      [04:23.42]Come here, I want to show you something.  过来,给你看点东西
      [04:25.45]- Noah, what are you doing? - Just come on.  - 诺亚,你要干嘛? - 来嘛
      [04:29.16]- You're gonna get run over. - By all the cars?  - 你会被车轧到的 - 被车轧到?
      [04:40.37]My Dad and I used to come out here  我和我老爸经常上这儿来
      [04:42.00]and lay down and watch the lights change.  躺在地上看红绿灯变来变去
      [04:45.77]And watch them go from green to red to yellow.  从绿变成红,再变成黄
      [04:50.41]You could try it, if you wanted to.  如果你想的话 可以来试试
      [04:53.21]- No. - Why not?  - 不 - 为什么不?
      [04:55.65]Because I don't know-- will you just get up?  因为我不知道…… 你还是起来吧,好么?
      [04:58.45]That's your problem, you know that?  这就是你的问题了 你知道吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
