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时间:2014-07-26 14:20来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:12.52]Come on, lets get moving, people. 来吧,咱继续工作 [02:14.65]This is wrong, Tenma. You know it! 不能这么做,天马 你心里明白 [02:17.19]The President is right. Its just a machine. 总统说的对,机器罢了
  •   [02:12.52]Come on, let's get moving, people. 来吧,咱继续工作
      [02:14.65]This is wrong, Tenma. You know it! 不能这么做,天马 你心里明白
      [02:17.19]The President is right. It's just a machine. 总统说的对,机器罢了
      [02:22.86]Bye, Dr. Elefun. 再见,茶水博士
      [02:24.99]Load the Blue Core into the Peacekeeper. 把和平卫士装载蓝核
      [02:26.82]I've got a press conference scheduled in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我还有会议
      [03:11.41]I'm sorry. 对不起
      [03:13.08]Don't be. I'm sorry I couldn't have been a better Toby for you, 别这样,很遗憾我不能成为你的透比
      [03:18.50]Dad. 爸爸
      [03:23.09]Well, Tenma, is it done? 天马,好了吗?
      [03:30.10]It's done. 好了
      [03:38.10]Good man. 好样的
      [03:39.44]When I'm re-elected, you can have the funding 我选上后,就给你资金
      [03:42.36]to make as many little toys as you want. 你爱做多少玩具都行
      [03:45.61]No. If you want the Core, you're gonna have to kill me. 不,如果你想要蓝核 先杀了我吧
      [03:51.66]Tenma, no! I created the Core. They're gonna have to kill me. 天马,别!我创造的蓝核 要杀先杀我
      [03:55.83]Well, I think Metro City can learn to cope without you. Hand it over. 大都会没有你也能转 交出来
      [04:01.46]- Oh, it appears I don't have it. - Tenma! - 哎呀,看来不在我这 - 天马!
      [04:08.80]Tenma, open this! 天马,开门!
      [04:12.14]Open that door! 开门!
      [04:14.47]Oh, please. 拜托
      [04:20.27]I said, open that door! 我命令你开门!
      [04:22.15]- Never. - Now! - 死心吧 - 立刻开门!
      [04:26.57]Blast. 惨了
      [04:27.82]If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself. 干活还得靠自己
      [04:36.08]Whoa! What are you doing? 你干什么?
      [04:38.83]You may not be Toby, but you're still my son. 虽然你不是透比 但也是我的儿子
      [04:42.46]Dad. 爸爸
      [04:48.17]Now fly! Fly! 飞吧!飞!
      [04:59.18]No! No! 不!不!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
