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时间:2014-07-26 14:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:52.10]Thats bound to get me re-elected. 绝对会让我当选 [00:55.44]Why the long face, robot boy? Were taking you home to your dad. 为什么拉长脸? 我们带你回家家看爸爸 [01:00.95]Care for a drink? 来一杯不? [01
  •   [00:52.10]That's bound to get me re-elected. 绝对会让我当选
      [00:55.44]Why the long face, robot boy? We're taking you home to your dad. 为什么拉长脸? 我们带你回家家看爸爸
      [01:00.95]Care for a drink? 来一杯不?
      [01:04.32]SOLDIER: Very funny, Mr. President. 很好笑,总统先生
      [01:14.88]The experiment is over. I want the Blue Core removed 试验结束了 给我取下蓝核
      [01:18.80]and transferred into the Peacekeeper now. 移到和平卫士上
      [01:21.47]Will you help me, Elefun? 你帮我吗,茶水?
      [01:23.64]This is where we created him. 这是创造他的地方
      [01:25.22]Well, un-create him. Unplug him. 那就拆了他
      [01:28.06]It's a matter of national security. 这是国家安全问题
      [01:29.89]Let me talk to him first. 让我和他说句话
      [01:35.27]- Hello, Dr. Elefun. - Hello, Toby. - 你好,茶水博士 - 你好,透比
      [01:37.90]Toby? Nobody's called me that for a while. 透比?很久没人这样叫我了
      [01:41.15]This isn't your fault, you know. You're fantastic. 这不是你的错,你是好孩子
      [01:44.82]Absolutely first-class. Superb. Wonderful. 绝对最棒的,无可争议
      [01:48.33]Thank you. You know, I tried to find my place in the world. 谢谢,我试着找属于我的地方
      [01:53.58]I thought I'd found it, but I guess fittng in 我试着去找,但是我想
      [01:56.21]can be a lot more complicated than it seems, huh? 融入环境比看上去的难?
      [01:58.75]Dear boy, if you only knew. 好孩子,你知道就好
      [02:01.80]I think maybe this is what's supposed to happen. 这或许是命中注定
      [02:04.97]This is my destiny. 这就是我的命运
      [02:08.26](SIGHS) Boo-hoo-hoo.
      [02:10.68]It's a machine. 一部机器罢了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
