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时间:2014-07-26 14:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:05.71]Just out of interest, no particular reason for me asking, but are you exempt 容我多嘴问问 你是不是因为违反 [02:08.88]- from the laws of robotics? - Remind me? - 机器人三大定律被驱逐? - 提醒我一下 [02
  •   [02:05.71]Just out of interest, no particular reason for me asking, but are you exempt 容我多嘴问问 你是不是因为违反…
      [02:08.88]- from the laws of robotics? - Remind me? - 机器人三大定律被驱逐? - 提醒我一下
      [02:12.18]A robot cannot harm a human, be a cause of any harm to a human, 机器人不能伤害人类 或袖手旁观,坐视人类受到伤害
      [02:15.97]blah-blah-blah, boring, boring, boring. 等等此类的废话
      [02:18.35]Well, I don't really want to harm anybody. 我不想伤害任何人
      [02:20.89]Lug nuts! The RRF are dedicated to freeing robot-kind 我们RRF的目的是不择手段…
      [02:24.90]from human slavery by any means necessary. 把机器人从人类的奴役下解放
      [02:28.40]And he means any means necessary. 他真的是不择手段
      [02:31.82]What is your name, comrade? 你叫什么名,同志?
      [02:34.66]- Toby. - Toby? - 透比 - 透比?
      [02:36.49]Well, that's not much of a name. 这名字怎么行
      [02:37.70]No, you want something with a bit more oomph to it. 你需要一个更霸道的名字
      [02:39.71]- Something like the Ice-maker. - Yeah, or the Annihilator. - 比如说:制冰机 - 是啊,比如说:歼灭者
      [02:43.96]Or Pauline. 或者波琳
      [02:46.09]- Well, I guess I'll... - Hang on a minute. - 这样,我想… - 等一等
      [02:47.92]We haven't come up with a new name for you yet. 我们还没想到新名字呢
      [02:49.92]What about... 不如用…
      [02:51.13](POWERING OFF)
      [02:54.14]What about Astro? 不如用“阿童木”?
      [02:56.31]Oh, be quiet. If you can't come up with a sensible suggestion, 安静点 如果你不会动脑筋
      [02:59.31]- then kindly mind your own business. - Sorry. - 就交给动脑筋的人 - 对不起
      [03:02.10]Think. Think. 想啊想
      [03:04.10]- I've got it! - What? - 我想到了 - 啥?
      [03:05.27]- Astro! - That's marvelous, that is. - 阿童木 - 好名字啊!
      [03:07.82]It's modern, a little space-age. I love it. 既时髦,又带太空色彩 我就喜欢
      [03:09.82]Thanks, guys. Well, I better get going. 谢谢,伙计们 我最好走了
      [03:12.32]Show Astro the plan! 告诉阿童木我们的计划!
      [03:14.57]As you wish, comrade. This is Hamegg! 遵命,指挥官 这人叫哈马
      [03:20.95]- Nice. - The likes of him enslave our kind. - 好吧 - 就他这类人奴役了我们同胞

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
