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时间:2014-07-26 14:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:48.18]whatever that means. 不管意味着什么 [00:49.64]Dude, it means they kicked you out. 哥们,意味着赶你出门 [00:52.18]- ASTRO BOY: Well, I... - Im Zane. - 好吧 - 我是阿赛 [00:55.48]- Im Widget. - Hi, Im Sludge, -
  •   [00:48.18]whatever that means. 不管意味着什么
      [00:49.64]Dude, it means they kicked you out. 哥们,意味着赶你出门
      [00:52.18]- ASTRO BOY: Well, I... - I'm Zane. - 好吧… - 我是阿赛
      [00:55.48]- I'm Widget. - Hi, I'm Sludge, - 我是东东 - 我叫泥巴
      [00:57.14]- and I'm older than her. - By 90 seconds. - 我比她大 - 大90秒而已
      [00:59.02]- And I'm Cora. What's your name? - Oh, it's... - 我叫柯娜,你呢? - 嗯,我叫…
      [01:02.82]SPARX: Viva la Roboto-lution! ROBOTSKY: Viva la Roboto-lution! 万岁!机器人解放者!
      [01:05.19]What just happened? 发生什么事?
      [01:07.45](ROBOTSKY LAUGHING)
      [01:08.78]SPARX: Did you see the human's faces? They were quaking in their capitalist boots! 看到他们的脸色没有? 肯定吓得尿裤子了
      [01:15.29]Don't worry, brother. You're safe! 别害怕,兄弟 现在安全了!
      [01:17.16]ROBOTSKY: You have been rescued by... 拯救你的是…
      [01:19.67]BOTH: The Robot Revolutionary Front! “机器人革命前线”RRF
      [01:23.30]I'm Sparx, the brains. 我是大脑斯巴斯
      [01:24.88]And I'm Robotsky, the muscle. 我是肌肉罗斯基
      [01:28.13]And I'm Mike the Fridge. I'm the fridge. 我是冰箱迈克 就是冰箱
      [01:32.18]You are now liberated! 你现在被解放了
      [01:34.14]Go ahead, comrade. Take your first step as a free robot. 来吧,同志 作为一个自由机器人,迈出你的第一步
      [01:38.69]Take it! Take it! 迈步!迈步!
      [01:43.61]Feels different, doesn't it? 感觉很不同吧?
      [01:46.44]- It feels wetter. - It feels wetter! Liberation! - 有点潮 - 超人的感觉!解放!
      [01:52.49]- Yeah! - What are you doing? - 好啊! - 你在干嘛?
      [01:55.33]Uh, sorry. I'll pick it up. 抱歉,我来收拾
      [01:59.92]Yes, please. 当然了,请吧
      [02:02.63]You look like a pretty advanced model if I might say so, brother. 我看你的型号非常先进,兄弟

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
