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时间:2014-07-26 14:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:23.96]We need to make an example of Hamegg. 我们要从哈马作开刀 [03:25.79]We want to do something so horrible, so frightening, so shocking, 做一些惊天地、泣鬼神的壮举 [03:29.59]that the humans will be forced to free
  •   [03:23.96]We need to make an example of Hamegg. 我们要从哈马作开刀
      [03:25.79]We want to do something so horrible, so frightening, so shocking, 做一些惊天地、泣鬼神的壮举
      [03:29.59]that the humans will be forced to free all robots. 让人类乖乖的释放所有机器人
      [03:32.80]- What are you gonna do? - We're gonna sneak into town. - 你们要做什么? - 我们潜入城市
      [03:35.14]- We're going to lie in wait for Hamegg. - And? - 等待哈马的出现 - 然后?
      [03:38.01]- And when he shows up... - Yes? - 然后突然出现 - 然后?
      [03:40.93]Now bear in mind, we're forced to follow the laws of robotics. 你记住一条,我们迫于遵守机器人定律
      [03:44.14]- Okay. - We are going to tickle him wth a feather! - 好的 - 所以我们用羽毛挠他痒痒
      [03:49.11]BOTH: Viva la Roboto-lution! 机器人解放者!
      [03:50.98]That's the plan? 就这计划?
      [03:52.07]We're already looking into purchasing the feather. 我们已经在着手准备 购买羽毛了
      [03:54.53]ROBOTSKY: Oh, blimey! 我的妈呀!
      [03:56.45]- You okay? - How did you find our secret hideout? - 你还好吗? - 你怎找到这秘密基地?
      [03:59.45]CORA: You guys realy need to work on your camouflage skills. 你们伪装的技术太烂了
      [04:02.33]Don't make us dismantle you. We just want the kid back. 别逼我废了你 我们只要这孩子
      [04:05.46]Kid? What are you talking about? He's a... 孩子?你说什么?他是…
      [04:08.96]You want a piece of me, tin man? 你想惹火我么,罐头人?
      [04:10.55](SOFTLY) Be cool. I'm an undercover robot from Metro City. 冷静点 我是大都会的卧底
      [04:13.30]I knew it. Viva la Roboto-lution. 我就知道,机器人解放者万岁
      [04:16.84]These guys aren't doing any harm. Let's just leave them. 这些家伙没做坏事 不如放过他们

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿童木台词      
